so its summer and vacation, all at once. i've been doing my part to try to proliferate loafing around america, but have somewhat failed due to the severe need for some cash. alas! the allure of ample funds even beat out a second viewing of kill bill vol. 1 yesterday - which kicked all kinds of ass might i add.
i just wanna say i had a freaking awesome time seeing all the college kids at wing night - its been so long! those guys and gal are just plain awesome. especially if they bed-shop.
so morgan came back for the weekend and we freaking went out on the town. and shopped. i must say, i'm guilty as charged for enjoying "girl-shopping". i can find bargains like you would not believe!! hollister, AE - you name it i find it. but it was just an all around awesome time to have her back for a bit. just going around and doing random stuff is so much fun - i love it!
im thinking of doing a "movie night" thing soon bc i realllly liked kill bill vol. 1 (for anyone whos seen vol. 2, is it as good/better?). so awesome but sooo violent.
ive been running around and picking my lil sis up from certain events, etc. and have felt pretty darn good about it! but yeah. also, i have an "NFL All Star" car decal from last years nats - dare i put it on my car? im such a dork so its quite tempting... and im thinking of maybe getting an ipod and trying to integrate it into my car. for anyone who has an ipod, are they worth the price?
i also got a new phone. well, not new just the exact same one brand new. and a new headset! all bc my headset jack wasnt working right. the good news is i have an unscratched phone for free, the bad is i lost all my so cool text messages. and like $11 worth of get it now stuff!!! arghh!
college is looking pretty fun. i guess i get this from the college kids i know (and some who have graduated) and how they're just loving/have loved the college expreience so much. it must really be something amazing for so many people to have liked it that much.
morgan had her day off yesterday!! oh man we had a rockin' good time again - as usual. we went to funplex and went go karting, which was so cool bc i hadnt gone in years. but...there was this one stupid little kid who kept hitting everyone on the track - clearly against the rules!! and its gonna be a decade before that kid can actually drive so i dont know why he was all excited. probably had a pixie stick or something. anyway! then we went to this aweeeesome chinese buffet and some quick plaza shopping. now, we found a reallly cool blacklight...that would fit perfectly in the back of my car! im really thinking of buying it today. then we hung out and talked. im so glad she came back! such a perfect time.
well im off to be a crazy kid, but i dont want to leave you without some....
CAUTION! Unhealthy levels of Camwhoring below.
so there was alot of debate at SLC and i got bored...
i dont know what i was thinking either
*me looking at picture above this* john john john...sigh
bonsai? yes, please!
i left this full size because how often do you see sign like that? (it was on a statue or something not as cool as the sign)