Ummm can you say YAY?!?!

May 15, 2004 18:50

Finally I can update on here with something good to say! My life right now is going in a really positive wonderful direction and I am really content. Content...imagine that? Brandy Lee Quattrone content. Ha! Writing it out makes it official...yes I am happy. For the first time in a long time I am happy. Just to let you all know, all because I smile a lot and have the giggles daily does not mean I do not have problems or issues...because believe me I do! I have been having so many worries I've held on the inside for so long that for the first time in months (maybe years?) I feel like everything is going to be alright. So why this change I'm sure you're wondering, and if you aren't tough cause I'm gonna tell your ass anyways. I got a job...a job with a possible future...growth...but most importantly right now it is an income which will put me and tiff back on the right track for moving out (yay!). Even if I do not like this job there is nothing that will prevent me from keeping has benefits! YAY! BENEFITS..PAID VACATION...PAID HOLIDAYS...FINANCIAL HELP WITH SCHOOLING...YAYYYYYYY! can you tell I'm just a tad excited?
That's not the only reason I'm happy...I'm also back together with Brandon. I asked him back out today and he said yeah it's official (cause ya'll know how I am with titles!). I have a boyfriend...YAY! Everything with us is not perfect, but the fact that we can work on things and take eachother's feelings into consideration is a lot more than most couples have going for them. He makes my life so much better...he just has this way with me that has me really baffled. I don't know what it is or why but he brings out a person in me that I didn't know was in there. Being with him makes me a better person...he keeps me grounded...he makes me happy. So Brandon if you are reading this then you need to know this. I know I am really good at pointing out what's wrong with things and not as good as pointing out positives. But believe me when I tell you, you have changed my life, you have brought me happiness when my whole world was literally crashing in front of my eyes, you have just been so great...thank you.

TIFF this goes out to you, cause I'm not good at telling people how I truly feel sometimes and this is the best way for me to do corny as it is :-) Maybe I haven't been a great friend to you lately...we both have shit going on that has kind of effected us...but hot damn girly it's a new day and we are gonna get on the right track if it kills us! I appreciate having you in my life so much that I don't think you even have a clue that you have taught me what friendship is supposed to be about. It's important to me to keep our bond in tact and even improve on it (if that's even possible?). Thanks for being there to tell me things that sometimes maybe I don't want to hear but need to...thanks for all of your advice...thanks for just letting me vent out to you about everyone and everything...thank you for bringing me into your house and into your family..just thank you. I love ya!
*wipes tear*

So it's movie night tonight with the girlies...Troy! Hellz yeah! After that maybe we'll head on over to the Who Kid's house to's been a while since I've had a night at the old hot's all just so yay today!!!

Could be me...could be tina...could be a combination...i don't know but it's YAY!
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