Aug 31, 2005 18:15
today was the first day of orientation.
when i lived in ypsilanti kate and i sat on the sidewalk and watched the ypsi parade come down the street and i was filled with so much pride. i would get all teary and happy and think about how much i loved my city. i felt that today times like 20. i felt incredible proud to be in that room. i dont take it for granted that i am going to nyu at all. i feel so lucky. and when the dean of the social work school spoke (suzanne england) i got all misty. and then later when the advanced standing students broke off and gathered and the adv. standing coordinator told us what a select group we are because we "must be smart cause you got into NYU" and the ad. stand. students "are hand picked" i misted up again. wow i go there. we gathered at 9am and they gave us breakfast and coffee/juice and tote bags that have school of social work at NYU on them filled with valuable information. we listed to the dean speak and then a student panel spoke and gave us good advice and such. then two facutly discussed (talked at us basically) that stupid nickled and dimed book we were supposed to read. im glad i didn't read it again. after they had a q&A about the book and many students talked about how it left out a lot of information such as racism, classism etc. my classmates pointed out the shortcomings of the book. yay them. the whole school of social work was present. undergrad and grad alike. then we broke for lunch which they provided, i had a yummy mozzarella and tomato with lettuce on foccacia and we gathered with our class (advanced standing for me as you know) and the faculty ate with us. there are only about 40 AS students. i met my faculty advisor who will also be my field advisor. she is super nice. i said i was having trouble adjusting having just moved from california and left my partner and animals behind. she said nice things. i felt sad. there were people there that were older than me or appeared to (unless they are just haggard from living in nyc). i tried not to judge too much, but there were lots of blond, pretty girls. and one was talking about how she just found housing. roommates-oh no of course not. her and her mom came out early to apt. hunt and found a cute little quaint apt in the village somewhere. she was pretty. we'll see. i'm trying not to judge.
nyu has a school song. i am going to learn it. and sing it often.
in other news. i sent out a massive email to my contacts, to update my address and phone and also so i could easily add my contacts to my new apple address book-it was the easiest way to do that. the massive email prompted some emails from people i haven't heard from in a while. one of which is a girl i did undergrad with. she and another person were a huge support to me. they helped me get through my last two years of school. i learned so much from them and with them. we had all of our classes together those last two years. the girl i heard from, i know from the other one, hasn't been doing well. suicide attempts, heroine addiction, psych hospitalization. she wrote-she is in the hospital again for another suicide attempt and has been battling heroine addication for the past 18 months. intense. i get updates on her from my other friend. i feel so sad. i know she will come back. i also know that she was battling demons in school, bulemia, divorce, addiction then. i just wish her well. i just hope she finds constant strength and peace. i will say special words for her.
my dad called our apt. today and chatted roman up. weird. he is usually a man of few words. maybe because roman is male and not my queer girlfriend. whatever.
i want to...oh i went to go eat and now i forgot what i was going to say????oh well.