fuck..like really?

Jun 24, 2009 11:00

so what these things are for venting kind of thing right? welp i gotta fucking vent! GUYS ARE ASSHOLES!! frist off i dated this guy jon for what little over a year poured my heart out to him..i loved him so fucking much! i did anything he asked for and i took care of him like no other..let him live with me everything rent free didnt ask for anything besides what to keep a job and to do something with his life! so he joins the lovely marines i waited for him yeah me waited for a guy 8 months he told me how much he loved me and shit i spent shit tons of money to go see him out in the middle of KNOW WHERE!!!! so are one year passes and BAM he breaks up with me sweet right? yeah heart is broken into millions! whatever life goes on he met some other chick on the plane.
So then i met a guy named jason in jan towards the end..alright we are talking he is soo nice whatever! ill go see him drive to NC get me a room blah blah blah..on the way back home to ohio he starts treating me like shit..sweet right. i start to miss jon like crazy again..blahhh... then i didnt talk to any guys bc i said im done.. i put a hugeee wall up
I moved to lovely NC in april me and jason start to talk to again like once aweek..whatever no bigg deal he didnt want anything i did..
I go down to FL with my friend cody i meet a guy named jamie soo nice broke my wall down he treated me so nicely omgosh it was amazing i finally found a nice guy right? WRONGGGGG 3 weeks later about he goes off on me calls me all these names and shit and bam im despressed for like a week bc ALL GUYS ARE ASSHOLES!
im so sick of getting treated like shit when all i do is treat them good..i buy them shit i fucking just treat them the best and i even moved slow with them WTF! like really assholes.
then i find out today jon didnt really love me he said there was something there just not love he didnt know what it was! like really asshole after everything i did for you..after you said you wanted to marry me i was the one for you..and dont say you didnt bc i got fucking letters from bootcamp saying you did..and how you can have what ever girl you want but you only wanted me yeah fuck off...fucking pisses me off after all the love i gave to him!

FUCK GUYS i have the biggest wall up ever if you want me good luck..im joining the air force and getting the fuck away! i guess it looks like april is staying single for a very long ass time..
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