Jul 20, 2008 13:11
SO i never new i would hate being in ohio so much! deff when the love of your life is 13 hours away in freaking SC...it sucks and i want him home in my arms again im going nuts! NUTS I SAY!...this is sad i was crying yesterday not like bawling my eyes out more like just a stroll and why bc i miss jon so much...when i see him ill most likely freaking knock him over crying my eyes out. and he will be making fun of me..lol
its like 24 more days left and im going nuts we should get some kind of award for being away from each an other so much..but no thats right he is a marine and even tho he is helping out are country he will most likely still be treatin like crap fucking gov.
eh so i quite olive garden...but i had a really really really good reason :)
guys there suck and wouldnt stop calling me sexy and talking about my ass....mangers didnt do anything about it either...THEN i called off ONCE. and they said i cant return with out a doctors note.. i dont have medical soo thats a prob. and they said welp i guess we wont be seeing you for a while. i the italian temp i have said i quite. they go well we have to put down walking out on a shift i said no this is walking out on a shift and i slamed the office door and walked out...i felt really really good when i did that..so now im working at cracker barrel :) as a server um dont ask me how it is bc i dont start most likely til NEXT weekk..so im getting his like long ass non paid vac. yeah it sucks but im happy im getting a lot of things done :D..
welp i did my little update..