Jan 16, 2008 10:15
it's funny when something as simple as a walk can open a person up and tug at everything inside. i have experiences like this from time to time, and two days ago was one of them.
often, when i walk alone, drive alone, sit alone, etc, i carry on long monologues, or even dialogues with myself, as i observe and react to things around me, past and future events, or anything else.
i took a walk out past richardsnon's ocean park, to king's landing - the eastmost place in the hilo area. what happens there is the paved road ends, turning into dirt, then that ends, too. beyond this point is forest, lava rock, and ocean.
i ventured through magnificence. grassy fields with shallow pools cutting the greenery like the pores in the lava flow that they neighbor. i jumped across these water gaps as i made my way to the steep slope of forested lava rock. after a short time in a grove of tropical vegetation, i emerged to see nothing but the ocean and the blackened shore.
huge waves crashed into the hardened lava, spraying up to 40 feet in the air, and splashing me, just as far inland. the wind blew strongly, making my robe of a towel flap out to the side. it was majesty...majestic. i hadn't my camera, but that was ok. i drunk it in like i had been on some strange plane, devoid of the natural magnificence of the earth, for my entire life. i was starving for this.
it became more and more captivating as i continued onward, and i knew that few people ever set foot where i was venturing. i was in a place that show absolutely no sign of human life. nothing built by human hands, no human waste, not so much as a footpath - or even a footPRINT. anyone who had been here left no mark on this pristine land...and it was beautiful.
at times, i stood still and silent, gazing out into the ocean, up at the sky, down into the rocks, or at any of the fish, crabs, and shelled creatures that inhabited the shoreline. it was awe-inspiring.
i watched as the waved piled into the gaps between rocks, thundering against the sheer and jagged cliffs. i imagined how many people could be decimated within seconds by this powerful lick of the waves. how many human lives per second could be eliminated by the will of mother earth? we are insignificant, and she shows us once we've had the chance to forget.
i wondered how different things might be if every big businessman or industrial board could experience what i was experiencing. what if they could see the art before me, hear the music of nature, smell the air's perfume, feel the spray of the sea? if they could touch the earth...breathe it in...would they change?
i don't know, but i have to believe that at least something inside of them would be different.
i looked off the norheastern point for some time, staring your way. few things could make these moments any more perfect, but i couldn't help but to remember...
i saw a rainbow each time the waves sprayed their mist onto the background of the sunny sky...red and orange are always side by side...