Jan 23, 2005 14:02
Well its sunday lol I updated last
sunday so technically Im just gonna
give you a recap of my week. I had
school which wasnt that bad. I talked
to Robbie everday, Im really glad I
was at stop and shop lol. This week I
watched white chicks like three times
and went to my electric guitar lessons.
Well I dont know what I was thinking
but I got lost down memorie lane while
I was on the phone with my cousin Jenn.
God I wish I was five again no
responsibility no punishment. No wonder
those little kids are always smiling lol.
On thursday night I went to the Movapa
concert with Danny S and had a great time
lol. I could never be in Movapa its so
embaressing. Oh and Danny if you read
this my mom said you guys are coming
over for dinner next weekend lol. Maybe
we can go back to blockbuster hehe god
we've had so many good times lol.
Remember New years eve lol that was so
much fun i wouldnt trade that night for
anything in the world. I think we are
gonna do that again next year. It snowed
like a bitch last night and my dad thought
it would be fun to go for a ride in the
Jeep lol before all the roads were
plowed hehe it was so much fun. Then we
came home and played in the snow had a
snowball fight made a fort I broke a nail
lol but I dont care anymore. So then after
we were all done outside I came inside
made some hot chocolate. Then to my surprise
Robbie came over and we had a late night
scary movie marathon in my room which was
very fun lol. Then he went home I took a
shower jumped into bed and went to sleep lol.
This morning I woke up and found out that my
parents are bringing us to the Hamptons this
summer and in March we are going to Florida.
But I really cant wait until June when we get
on that eight hour flight to France which is
always fun lol. But right now I have to go and
study because I wasnt in school Friday and
then I have to go call my modeling agency
back so I can figure out whats going on this
week lol cause I have to set up my date book.
Well I have alot to do lol I'll update soon!
xox Melissa xox
Robbie I love you xox 143 hehe