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Aug 02, 2005 14:26

eyyyo soo yesterday was friggen awesome causeee i hung out with jen nd laur all day!!! wooh hoo soo first jen came over nd we went straight to the RED BULL of course...nd we played ddr yayayayyay...hmm nd then we decided we wanted to go shopping soo we went on over to jens house nd me laur jen nd al went to the danburry mall nd i got a earings for me nd then i saw really really cute butterfly ones for jessica nd i couldn't resist lol nd she loved themm hmm nd yeaa on the way to the mall and in the club house me nd jen were taking lots nd lots of pics it was awesomeee....hmm nd we went to our mall after soo i could get my parents aniversary presents....uhh hmm nd i gotta really ring!! haha nd thenn we went to return some videos nd got our eye brows waxed on the way home =P cause thats just how we doo....nd we rented a scary movie that i still cnt say don't make fun!!! lol nd we went back in the club house to watch it nd eat some chips nd candyyyy.....haha wenever a scary part came on me nd jen would sinnnnggggg oh yea baby....sugar we're going down swinging...behind these hazel eyessssss.....and she willlll be loveddddd and she willll be looooooooooved.....pshhhh nd then i went homee nd ant nd rob wanted to chillax soo i snuck out with them nd hadda wlk all alone to meet them on wood...shit son was that scary but i went in at 4 30 nd went to beddd nd now i'm bored nd have dance later nd then getting my hair cut nd then hopefully jennn nd laurr r sleeping overrrr =P
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