Feb 14, 2005 14:49
[ current clothes]AE Jeans and Lions Den Shirt
[ current mood ] excited
[ current music ]My Jesse McCartney CD.
[ current taste ] Brownines. (yummy!)
[ current make-up ] none at the moment
[ current hair ] scrunched in a pony tail
[ current annoyance ] nothing.
[ current smell ] Clinique- Happy.
[ current thing i ought to be doing ]The Laundry (but im not.)
[ current desktop picture ] paradise.
[ current favorite group] uhm. Jesse McCartney is really a group but yeah.
[ current book you're reading] none at the moment
[ current cd in cd player] Jesse McCartney
[ current movie in vcr] i dont have a vcr.. but dvd is The Notebook
[ current color of toenails ] PINK
[ current refreshment ] water
[ current worry ] no worries!
last person.
[ you touched ] my brother dominic
[ you talked to ] Randi
[ you hugged ] my brother Shane
[ you instant messaged ] Randi
[ you yelled at ] my brother dominic
[ you kissed ] my daddy
[ food ] anything Italian
[ color ] all pinks!
[ album ] like cds? Jesse McCartney-Beautiful Soul
[ shoes ] well, my AE Clogs.
[ candy ] m&m's
[ animal ] puppys
[ tv show ] theres a few.. (desperate housewives, 7th heaven,life as we know it, etc.)
[ movie ] I have a few
[ dance ] my all star dance ofcourse!
[ song ] With You (jessica simpson)
[ vegetable ] hm, celery.
[ fruit ] not sure.
[ cartoon ] none.
are you.
[ understanding ] sometimes
[ open-minded ]sometimes
[ arrogant ] i try not to be
[ insecure ] not really
[ interesting ] probably not
[ random ] a little bit
[ hungry ] you know it!
[ friendly ] i try my hardest to be
[ smart ] im going to have to go with average
[ moody ] i guess, yeah.
[ childish ] not really
[ independent ] not really
[ hard working ] a little
[ organized ] yeah
[ healthy ] a little
[ emotionally stable ] yeah
[ shy ] nope
[ difficult ] im sure
[ attractive ] probably not
[ bored easily ] sometimes
[ messy ] not really
[ thirsty ] yes.
[ responsible ] sometimes
[ obsessed ] not really
[ angry ] i can be
[ sad ] i can be
[ happy ] yes, no school you idiots!
[ hyper ] not right now, but i can be
[ trusting ] probably not, but i dont know
[ talkative ] yeah
[ legal ] what?
who do you want to.
[ kill ] nobody
[ slap ] my mom
[ get really wasted with ] i dont drink
[ get high with ] i dont smoke
[ tickle] hm,?
[ kiss] hm?
[ make out w/] still a hm?
[ look like ] uhm.. jessica simpson is pretty, maybe her.
[ talk to online ] my friends.