I love these cartoons. They're offensive and silly and I love them so I'm sharing them with the world on this fine and snowy morning.
Now for some actual seriousness. Happy Valentine's Day!
"There isn't anything in this world but mad love. Not in this world. No tame love, no calm love, mild love, no so-so love. And, of course, no reasonable love. Also there are hundreds of paths through the world that are easier than loving. But, who wants easier?" -Mary Oliver
I had my read-through for We Will Rock You Monday night. Exciting! Tonight's my first actual rehearsal. It's me, Galileo and Killer Queen doing music. I'm skipping my first class today and going later because we are honestly snowed into Farmingdale. The plowing in D-Town and most of DuPage SUCKED yesterday. No one in sight for far too long. But we still had school. Everyone at COD was sad about it and as a result about 50% of the student poulation showed up. Then the deans had a meeting at TWO O'CLOCK to debate on cancelling classes for the rest of the day. The only reason I want to go today is that it's Valentine's Day and especially cheesey.
This Saturday Bacon and I are going with Justin and his dad to see CIrque de soleil's Delirium. Yaaaay. Then Sunday Justin and I are going with UncleMarkAuntJudy to St. Pat's downtown to see the Hope Choir. THEN JOSH GROBAN is next Saturday. Yesssssssss.
Have a pleasant day, and go make-out with someone. Anyone.