This is interesting. Well, as interesting as survey's can get.
This is a steryo-type survey. So, kind different.
Do you wear lots of plaid? No, only plaid I own is a 'punk' skirt. So cute.
Do you have a mohawk? Nooo. Infact, I miss my hair.
Anarchy in the Uk? I really don't care... I don't live there!
Bored and Glued? Eh, waht?
Sexpistols or the clash? The Clash.
Are you depressed? On
Do you have big black rimmed glasses? Nope, I have thinly rimmed metal ones..
Cry to Dashboard? No, but I do adore them!
do you LIKE dashboard? Very much ^_^
Wear shirts that are smaller than you? Yes...well, sometimes.
Sweaters? I am wearing one right now. Big puffy purple turtle neck one. LOL.
Do you enjoy thai noodles? I dunno, I don't think so... maybe? O_o WHo knows.
Feminist? Fuck yes! BECAUSE I am a girl. The person who answered this previsouly said "Hell no. And I'm a girl!".... which makes me cringe.
Hate when people call you emo? No one calls me emo...
Play guitar and write melodramatic songs? No.
Wear all black? Mostly, but I also very much enjoy color, black's just more versatile.
Is your hair black? No, dark brown
Eyeliner (including little squiggles, for xtra gothyness)? No...squigglies? I do 'cat eye'. SOMETIMES. But yes, I like a lot of liner ;) Well, not so much a lot.. very heavy lined. One clean think line.
Listen to dark music? Not really, atleast I don't think so.
Write poetry? No way, words are not my speciality. O_o
Song lyrics? Hahaha, no.
Suicidal/depressed? Not really, though everyone has their moments.
[Metal Head]
Do you have long shaggy hair? No. ::cry::
Play a bc rich guitar? No...
Love to drink beer and headbang? Ouch, no.
Moshing? Fuck no, I'd be smooshed!
Metallica? NO!!!
Wear plaid button up tshirts? No. Though I used to, a lot actually. Open over a t-shirt usually.
Pants cut off into shorts? Sometimes... O_o;
Gaudy shoes? Not...really. No. >_>;;
Shaggy hair? No.
Pearljam of Nirvana? Both
[People who say they're THEMSELVES]
Shop at hottopic? Yes, among other places. Nothing wrong with that... as long as your whole fucking wardrobe isn't pulled off those racks, you're set!
Wear clothes that you "like" but really you want to fit in? No, I really wear what I like - even with the knowledge I will look like a retard... ;) A twelve year old prostitue to be exact.
Call everyone else a poser? No way, I barely ever call anyone that.
Think you're original? Sometimes, but not all the time. No one is truely original. There's nothing you can do that someone else hasn't done. Sorry.
[The Generic Teenager Stereotype]
Do you drink [alcohol]? No way.
Do you party a lot? How often? No way, and never really.
Do you use drugs for recreational purposes? Fuck no.
How often do you use the word like in an average hour? A lot... o_O it's what strings one thought to another in my language ;) Haha.
Do you skip classes? How often? Don't go to school, but never skipped. If you were LATE you got detention.... skipping was a big deal.
Do you have casual sex? Protected? No and no.
Do you steal? Nope, never have.
Do you wear inappropriate clothing? No, I tend not to like attention drawn to myself...
Do you drool over celebrities? All the time!
Do you watch a lot of TV? Yes. Sadly... =\
Do you ever watch the News? Sometimes, I've been watching it more and more recently, but not on a daily basis.
Do you even care about world issues? Sure.
Do you read books often? Yes.
Are you failing a lot of your classes? No, and I did fail Biology (well, almost) and in 7th grade I failed Algebra. But aced it in HS. Go figure...
Do you spend most of your time with your friends? No.. sadly, no. I tend to enjoy being alone... but sometimes yes. I do like to spend time with them. Nothing personal... just me.
Do you smoke cigarettes? No..
Do you hang out a lot in malls, or at Seven Elevens? Not
Do you often find yourself with a crush on someone? Crushes all the time. Like crazy. But nothing ever serious enough that I'd persue... I'm not stupid.
Do you cuss a lot? Yes.
Are you desperate to fit in? No... I got shit for it too from kids, but that never made me want to fit in anymore so.
Are you intelligent? Somewhat....
The Goth Stereotype
Black lipstick? Eh, no. Not fond of it... I like bright red.
Black eyeliner? Yes, lots.
Black eyeshadow? Sometimes, but only if I wear less liner. I don't want to overdo it and look dead.
Black trenchcoat? Fuck yes.. I love trenchcoats. :;drool::
Black boots? God yes! Fuck-me boots!
Black fishnets? Yes, those too. Love them to death.
Black nail polish? Yes, wearing black right now actually.
Cigarettes? Nope. This is Goth? SInce when? LOL
Heavy metal music? Not usually, no.
Marilyn Manson? Sopme songs.
Kittie? Dunno them
Cradle of Filth? No.
Constant frown and perpetual angst? No way.
Do you like to be seen as As what? ... Jesus.
Are you an intellectual? Somewhat...
An atheist? Yes.
Horrible home life? No. As much as I complain, it could be so much worse.
Hopelessly depressed? Nope
Suffering with suicidal idealations? Not realy ,no.
Self-mutilation? No. Never.
The Punk Stereotype
Big black boots? YES!
Excessive piercings? I want more, but no. I tend not to like a whole lot... I'd rather see you, than see a face full of metal ;)
Loud, confident and opinionated? Am I? Not loud about it, but I am extreemly opinionated.
Wild hair colors? Love 'em.
Rancid? No.
Well versed on political scandals and outrages? Not as much as I'd like to be.
The Jock Sterotype
What's your IQ? Above average, apparently. Surprised me too.
Do you watch a lot of sports? No
Play a lot of sports? No.
Talk a lot about sports? No.
Do you do anything, really, but think about sports? Yes. LOL
Are you arrogant? No...
Are you a male or female whore? No.
Are you homophobic? Hell no. ;)
Do you tease other people a lot because you want to seem confident? No.
But really you're a quivering mass of insecurity? No.
Boobs = yes? I have them, and they're not so great. What's the big deal?
Parties = yes? No.
Dropping out of high school and flipping burgers = yes? I did drop out but I'd hate to do that for a living.
The Girl Stereotype
Do you spend a lot of time on your appearence? Not excessively, but I don't wanna look like a bum. Usually. ;)
Have you ever been on a diet? Nope.
How much did you lose? I once went down to 83lbs... that wasn't a diet so much as me being an asshole.
Was it not so much a diet as it was an eating disorder? Oh wow, that's scarey that this was asked after that.
Make yourself throw up? No, I just didn't eat.
Make-up? Eyeliner, streak of shadow and chapstick.
Low-cut tops? No way... I have nothing to show off.
How big are your boobies? 34 A LOL. Tiny ;)
Do you flip your hair when you talk, even if you don't realize it? No, I play with my necklace or earring or..whatever I have infront of me at the time.
Giggle a lot? Yes, apparently, people have brought this to my attention.
What's the deal with boys? I hate 'boy scouting' girls. I think boys make better friends than girls, and that makes better relationships.
Thongs? No... I'd rather go panty-less.
Pretty bras? Not many pretty bras are made in cup size "A". LOL
YM, Teen, Cosmo, et al? Used to read YM and Teen but never very avidly.. mom subscribed to them. I think she was hoping for "normal" daughters. Sorry, Mom.
Who's the weaker sex? 'Sexes aren't weak, individuals are.' <-- keep that one ;)
Are you a feminist? Yes.
Do you think Brad Pitt is hot? Sort of...sometimes...
How often do you shave your legs? Every 4 or 5 days. LOL
How about your armpits? Every 2 or 3 days... hey. I'm in a sweater. Who the fuck cares? ;)
Are you emotional? No.
Especially when on your period? Sort of... I get more bithcy. Believe it or not.