WorSt DaY EvEr =0(

Mar 18, 2005 16:01

wow the past 2days have sucked so bad like no1 even knows...ok well it all stated last night..i thought everything was fine i had a good day so i IMed Mark around like 830 and i asked if i could call him and thats wen it all went downhill..so now he is pissed @ me cuz i guess i lied 2 him about being friends with Danny cuz we got into a fight a couple weeks ago and he told me he fuckin hated me so i thought well again me and danny arent gonna be friends ne more and so the next day we talked it all out and we explained 2 each other y we were pissed and so everythin ended up being cool between us so i guess i lied 2 him about being friends with danny aagin and i tried 2 xplain 2 him that i have 2 live with him everyday and i havent been friends with him for the past 2 months and i was sick of the fighting but he didnt seem 2 care it didnt seem like he cared about nething i had 2 say and basically since he hates Danny i cant be friends with him which i think is a lil unfair to me and so ya i was balling my eys out for like an hour then got off and called Mikayla and cried some more..! so i ended up cryin myself 2 sleep and then woke up and started thinkin about last nite and what do u kno i fuckin cried again! so ya my day pretty much sucked so now im gonna go take a shower and get ready 2 c the Ring 2 im so xcited so ya ill update after the movies xoOox pCe
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