
Oct 11, 2002 15:40

OK...if I'm having a problem and you ask me if everything's NOT expect me OR tell me to say that everything's FINE!!! I'm not going to say that everything's just fine, just to make you happy!!! If there's a problem, I'm going to tell you that there's a problem.

I have a lot going on right now that I need to deal with and I'm so fucking sick of everyone telling me that it's not that bad. Ya know live with it then! And no, this doesn't mean everyone...just one specific person in general that refuses to believe the truth, when they are told it! If you don't like the truth, or you don't want the answer I'm giving you...don't ask the damn question, stupid! I'm not going to change MY life or lie about my life to make YOU happy!

Everyone has problems...right!?! Well duh! Otherwise we'd all be a bunch of emotionless friggen robots walking around not giving a damn about anything. If you don't agree with how I'm living MY life, then stay out of it. I didn't ask for your opinion and opinion's are like assholes...everyone's got one...doesn't mean you need to share yours!

My life is just that...MY LIFE!!! I don't do ANYTHING to hurt my daughter, or put her in any there should be NO complaints about how I live my life. My daughter is the happiest little girl I've ever seen. My husband is a loving and wonderful person that takes VERY good care of me and our daughter, especially considering everything we've gone through and still have to go through. He is absolutely perfect with me and Baylynn, so if YOU choose NOT to like me being married just because it's not to you and never will be...that's your fucking problem!!!!

I'm tired of trying to walk around gently all the time so I don't hurt your precious fucking ego and your precious fucking mental state!!! Ya know what!?! FUCK THAT!!!!

I'm sick as hell of trying to make YOU feel better because you can't do anything to make your own damn self happy! Well guess what, asshole!?! I'm not your fucking complaint department!!!!!!

I have enough shit to deal with instead of trying to make this world a better place for YOU! You are old enough to have a steady job, a place to live, a vehicle and somebody else to bitch to!

You are NOT the only person on the fucking planet and my life does NOT revolve around you, no matter how much you'd like it to! I'm VERY sorry that I stopped Micky last time. Trust WON'T be a mistake I'm willing to make again. And as far as bringing my husband into it...BIG mistake asshole!

You penis-licking, ass-munching dick-face from hell...don't you EVER start shit with MY family! If you're jealous and pissy...have your little hissy fit some place else! You will NEVER be even a quarter of the man my husband is so don't even TRY to compare yourself to him.

Yes asshole...that's why you found letters to him while you and I were together!!! Yes, that's why I married HIM and NOT you! Yes, that's why I left you. It was NEVER you that I loved and it never would be, could be or will be! You were a toy to keep myself amused. TOMMY is my husband....NOT YOU!!! Tommy is the love of my life.....NOT YOU! Tommy is the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with and if you can't handle that, then it sucks to be you!

NO...I will NOT make myself miserable anymore feeling sorry for you and I will NOT keep trying to be there for you and talk you out of killing yourself. You wanna kill yourself??? Have a's not my job to stop you and to protect you! I'm NOT gonna deal with it anymore, so from now on...whatever happens is your own damn problem.

Just do me ONE favor and this is the ONLY one I will ever ask of you in all the time that I've known you......

Please leave me alone and forget I ever existed!?!?!?!?

Thank you

To everyone else....I'm so sorry that you all had to hear this shit just because of a certain asshole that knows who they are.
I truly hope you are all having a great weekend. Remember to congratulate Mindy and James hoocch on their adorable little girl, Abigail. to you all soon.

Luv ya lots...



PS. Phhhhhew...I feel MUCH better now. I really needed to vent like that. Thanks for understanding. CDK
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