MY opinion!

Oct 06, 2006 08:24

Yesterday, I posted something about gay rights and now I'm going to explain MY viewpoint on the subject.

Where in the world does ANYONE get off telling someone how they should be happy? Who gives anyone the right to decide what another person does with his or her life? This is NOT directed at any one in particular, this is stating MY viewpoint since it's MY journal.

First of all, there are several people on my friend's list that are homosexual and honestly....unless they walked up to you and grabbed your ass (either male OR female), you'd never even know it and others that walk up to you and say, "hey sexy...I think you're a doll, but don't worry I'm not hitting on you although I'd like to" (sweetie...that was the BEST line I'd ever was really cute when you said it to that person). of my best friends that I talk to every single day and have grown up with my entire life is gay. He's awesome and there's a reason everyone calls us Will & Grace. I know a lot of you are going to ask "who"? If he wants to comment and tell you, that's his choice, but I'm not calling him out like that.

I'm not even going to bother getting into the religious debate with anyone on here because honestly...that's going to open several million cans of worms. However, I DO fully believe that EVERYONE is entitled to the right of happiness. I was raised Catholic and in case you weren't aware, in the past few years have become more and more non-denominational. I DO believe in a God and a Heaven and a Hell and several other things, but we're NOT discussing my religious beliefs AT ALL because it will more than piss off most people and I honestly don't feel like dealing with it. Basic point is...everyone is entitled to their own religion, their own beliefs, their own thoughts and their own happiness and NOBODY has any right or power to tell them they are wrong in whatever makes them happy.

That being said, who or what gave any person the right to criticize another's way of life or happiness? Since when should any man or woman be able to say what's right for another man or woman? I'm not even going to try quoting the bible because it's been WAY too long since I read one....however, I DO remember it saying something about loving everyone equally. I do remember there being something about not being judgemental and God being the only "ONE" who should judge you. I also remember that Jesus died for our sins, so that our sins may be forgiven even before we make them....( I remember a little more from Catholic School than I thought) if Jesus died for us to be forgiven for our sins and several people think homosexuality is a sin, then get over it because Jesus already died for our sins and gave his life so that others can lead theirs happily. I'm not saying that you should go out and purposely sin and blame it all on Jesus, but since when does anyone have the right to be so judgemental about the way another person lives their life?

Is your life really that unfulfilled that you actually have the time to worry about what a gay man or a lesbian woman does with his or her life? Do you really have that much emptiness in your own life to be concerning yourselves with the sexual practices of others? Do you honestly walk down the street and see a man and a woman holding hands or kissing and get disgusted or make comments? Honestly....spending a LOT of time in NYC, I've seen a lot more male/female couples doing inappropriate things that I've seen with male/male couples or female/female couples. If you're going to complain or condemn anyone, it should be the couples on the street that are barely dressed and fondling eachother freely in public. You have nothing to say about that, but same sexed couples will never hear the end of your rambling. Unless you have someone hitting on you of the same sex, it's none of your damn business who or what they are doing. Nowhere in the bible does it say "go out into the world and ridicule people who are different than you. Belittle the people who are not perfect in your eyes." I believe it also said somewhere that EVERYONE is perfect in the eyes of God. And the reason I'm NOT going to get into a religious debate with ANYONE on here is because honestly....I don't believe in the bible and here's why!

First of all, the bible was written by MAN....God himself did not just drop this book out of Heaven one day and thump someone on the head with it! MAN wrote it and for the longest time (this is what got me in a LOT of trouble in Catholic school) I have questioned whether or not what was written was really what God thought or if it was really what the MAN who wrote it thought and just told everyone that that's what God wanted. Second of're supposed to love everyone equally, but certain things are wrong. Murder is supposed to be a sin, but yet, there were murders commited in the bible. Lust is supposed to be wrong, but can ANY of us that are in a relationship say that the relationship started with anything other than lust???? NO! Ok....if you met the person online and didn't know what they looked like and you talked to them for a while before seeing a picture and you got to know the REAL person, then it's a possibility. However, you don't LOVE someone the second you see them. You're ATTRACTED to them....another name for you're lusting them. You want to get to know them and more times than not, once you really get to know them, "they're not the person I fell in love with"....that's because you didn't fall IN LOVE with them....YOU LUSTED THEM!!!!! NOw....back to my original point....Lust is a sin...correct??? However...almost every single person on the planet is guilty of lust and yet they don't get condemned for that. BUT...if they lust after someone of the same sex...that's a sin???? Wait a fucking minute here....since when is one sin better than the other? A sin is a sin with it!

NOw....last time I checked there was not any one person appointed the position of God (except Jim Carrey...great MUST see it, but I can't remember the name at the moment), so therefore there is not ONE person on this planet that has the right to discriminate against another person.

I have a neighbor that royally pisses me off on a daily basis. Every single day I hear "I'm Christian"...yet she drinks like a fish, swears like a sailor and is going to get her Christian lights punched out if she tries to touch my husband ever again or talk to him about sex. Now this woman will be the first to gossip, the first to be hateful towards another person, the first to spread rumors and lies, the first to let her kids whine and cry and get their way even if that means they take something of someone elses just because they want it. She will be the first to talk about how disgusting someone is or how she hates someone, but then says, "I'm a Christian". I've seen things like this several times with several people and went to the Christian church ONCE because of things like this. was worse than High School (Mindy...can you imagine??? LOL)

Honestly....there is not one person on this planet that can say they are living "the way God wanted" them too, because everyone's interpretation of God and what he wanted is different. You can ask 5 different people what is "God" and what does "God" want you to do with your life and you will get 10 different answers! There is no right way or wrong way...there is just the way you choose to live your life, so why is it your problem or concern how another person lives their life????

AS for homosexuality being a choice????? Are you fucking kidding me with this????? So you CHOSE to be heterosexual????? You CHOSE to have the eye color you have? You CHOSE to have the body markings that you have (not including tattoos and piercings)????? Can you CHOOSE your dental pattern, (if you still have your own teeth and I'm not talking about cosmetic dentistry or false teeth)????

Yeah, dumbass....homosexuals woke up one morning and said, " can I make my life more difficult and reduce my chances of being truly happy with my life, finding a life partner and eventually being a parent???? Oh yeah...I think I'll be gay." You've got to be out of your fucking mind!!!! Homosexuals don't CHOOSE that anymore than you and I CHOOSE to be heterosexuals. Every person is created in God's GOD chose for them to be gay or straight. You want to start condemning someone....go ahead and condemn God for the way people are or how they live their life. He had no problem killing off an entire civilization after He had Noah build the Arc, so why is it that God's letting people live their own lives? I've always believed God decides when people die, so if He wasn't happy with homosexuals, don't you think He could have taken care of it from the beginning????

"Do unto others as you would have done unto you" (don't remember exact passage...not going to try to find it)

Does that mean you want people treating you like shit, condemning your relationship and punishing you every day endlessly because of the choices you made with your life????? Try really thinking about that the next time you have something to say about someone else. NOBODY is perfect!!!!!

This bitchfest has been brought to you by Crystal-Dawn Marone.....I approve this message and ANY comments to follow! IF someone has a comment that they want to so freely, but be prepared for debates if opinions aren't shared. I will NOT be blocking, removing or controlling what happens with this post.

my opnion on gay rights!

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