Public Entry for dirty skanks who just can't get the fucking hint!!!!

Jan 23, 2003 18:09

Listen Amy littlek and Dawn. You two are completely and utterly pathetic. First of all you baby-making-machine without a fucking you HONESTLY think I have nothing better to do with my time than worry about your sorry ass you worthless welfare-queen from hell. HELLO.....6 fucking kids is ENOUGH!!!! Quit spreadin your damn legs's obvious that you can't keep your mouth closed, so maybe you should at least try keeping SOMETHING closed! DAYUM! You have custody of 6 of them....and who the hell knows what happened to the other 4...don't you think you should quit poppin 'em out since you can't support the ones you have as it is? You have NO right saying ANYTHING about Baylynn, because trust me...she is MORE than well taken care of. And I know DAMN well who her father is.
I have MUCH better things to do with my time...and once NOT go crying to my mother, because she doesn't give a fuck about your sorry prostitute self either! Everyone on the planet has better things to do than worry themselves with what pathetic skanky hoe beast is doing or thinking. Or lack there of.

So...once again...THANK YOU for staying out of my life and I will THOROUGHLY enjoy my life without the both of you. Tootles....

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