sorry for stealing this, katch

Aug 30, 2003 09:58

-- Name : Nick
-- Birthdate : March 5th
-- Current Location : NY
-- Eye Color : brown
-- Hair Color : brown
-- Righty or Lefty : righty
-- Zodiac Sign : Pisces
-- Innie or Outtie : Innie

your favorite...
-- Music : lots
-- Cartoon: As Told By Ginger
-- Color: Blue and Orange
-- Slushy Flavor : Cherry
-- Magazine : Teen People
-- TV Show : Pre-Collegiate Dawson's Creek, The Real World Chicago, BOTS
-- Song : so so so many..wind beneath my wings,grounded, back to you, hero(mariah version), saints and sailors, i gotta get thru this, here without you, let go, take on me, your star, pretty baby, i want you to know me, hanging by a moment, at last (hehe kat), come on eileen, wonderful tonight, unchanied melody..and much more!
-- Language : english and french
-- Spice Girl : baby i guess lol
Subject in School : Math or French
-- Ice Cream Flavor : Chocolate
-- Roller Coaster : None

what is...

-- Your most over used phrase on aol : lol, ttyl, g2g, hehe (all of which i use
-- The first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? i wanna take this retainer out
-- The last image/thought you go to sleep with : for me to know...
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex : hehe 80085
-- The wussiest sport : idk
-- Your best feature : N/A
-- Your bedtime : it depends
-- Your greatest fear : loneliness and/or failure
-- Your greatest accomplishment: N/A
-- Your most missed memory : the summer of '01 ::sigh::

do you prefer..
-- Pepsi or coke : Diet Pepsi and Regular Coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King : ooo don't make me think about fast food :(
-- Single or group dates : Single
-- Adidas or nike : Adidas
-- Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers : fingers
-- Dogs or cats : Dogs (lol kati)
-- Rugrats or Doug : Doug [lol Dani..Doug & Skeeter :)]
-- Single or taken : Both have ups and both have downs
-- Monica or Brandy : Either
-- Tupac or Jay-Z : Jay-Z i guess
-- Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes : Either I guess
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea : Nestea
-- One pillow or two : 3
-- Chocolate or vanilla : Chocolate
-- Hot chocolate or hot cocoa : Hot Chocolate
-- Cappucino or coffee : Coffee

do you...

-- Take a shower everyday? : Yes
-- Have a(any) crush(es)? : Yep
-- Do you think you've been in love? : Yes I have
-- Want to go to college? : yes
-- Like high school? : I like learning..that's how I see it lol
-- Want to get married : Prolly
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys? No
-- Believe in yourself? : Yes and No
-- Have any tattoos/where? : none yet
-- Have any piercings/where? : one in my ear..closed now
-- Get motion sickness? : de temps en temps
-- Think you're a health freak? : ehh..i guess i've kinda become one..but i still know how to pig out lol
-- Get along with your parents? : Yes
-- Like thunderstorms? : When I'm indoors

-- Age you hope to be married : 30
-- Number(s) and Name(s) of Children : 2 maybe 3..uncertain of names but i do know what i would NEVER name my kids lol
-- Where do you see yourself at age 20?: Pace :)!
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: Having someone love me like that is dreaming enough..let's not overdo it
-- How do you want to die? : I fear death so much. Peacefully
-- What do you want to be when you grow up?: A teacher :)
-- What country would you most like to visit? : France and Italy :)!!

opposite sex..
-- Best eye color? : Light
-- Best hair color? : Not red (lol kat)
-- Short or long hair?: shoulder length..a lil longer maybe
-- Best height? : Average
-- Best articles of clothing? : None? hehe :-P
-- Best first date location? : Shopping lol..or at a little restuarant
-- Best first kiss location? : In her arms<3

-- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? :a long time ago
-- How many rings until you answer the phone? : usually 2 or 3
-- What's on your mouse pad? : D E L L
-- How many houses have you lived in? : 1 house, 2 apartments
-- How many schools have you gone to? : 4 (Preschool, plus the three in this district)
-- What color is your bedroom carpet? : green
-- If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three
things with you what would you take? : only three?

-- What was the best time of your life so far? : there's been a few :)
--What was the worst time in your life so far? : there's been a few :(
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