The BEST day off with the BEST group of people!

Nov 14, 2003 21:25

Woo, today was so much fun. I picked up Chris and Katia, and we ventured to CT. First, we stopped at the Big Y so I could pick up a disposable camera. After that, we went to Dunkin Donuts; Erin and Patty were already there. Then I saw Cyndy, along withb Justin and Melissa. Seconds later, Samantha and Crystal pulled in. We all went inside and ordered, and while we were doing so Teresa and Dani came in. As we were eating breakfast [and I was enjoying my Coolatta<33], Kyle joined. We took a picture outside by the Dunkin Donuts sign; I can't wait to see how it came out.

We left Dunkin Donuts, and before going to Wal-Mart, a few of us drivers stopped at Hess to get gas. This was a monumential visit, as it was Samantha's first time pumping her gas ;). Wal-Mart was our next stop. We all walked around in a hyper manner. Some of the girl put on funny clothes [I didn't get to see them, but ppl. took pics]. I took a pic of the people on the toy animals [hehe]. Justin rode a girls bike, Angelique bought 3 Musketeers thingys and a Christmas present for her friend. We left, and I'm sure the Wal-Mart employees couldn't have been gladder.

Bowling was SOO much fun. $3.75 per person per game, as opposed to our original figuring that it was $3.75 for a lane per game. So, we spent mucho dinero there. We only played two games, and it's safe to say that I sucked. I was the lowest scorer of both games. There was a lot of very funny moments at Lore's; a few being "You down with PoT?"[an abbreviation, not weed lol], me ACTUALLY throwing a spare, Bulba/Vulva-saur [Pokemon!], Melissa throwing the ball backwards, Melissa falling [lol, I had to run to the bathroom to pee because I was afraid I would pee my pants from laughing SO hard], and so on. The employee didn't give us a group discount :(, and the guy in the white sweatshirt thought he was a big shot [lol @ him].

At Goodwill, I got a French IV computer game--unused and everything <3. Then, we had lunch; most of us went to Subway and some to Arby's. The Tuna Sandwich I got was okay, but it wasn't as good as I had hoped. I pretended to be dramatic when Kat [Scrotum lol] picked on me for not being able to dance, apparently I need acting lessons because I guess they didn't buy it.

TJ Maxx was fun. I got a nice new sweater for $10 [<3clearance rack<3]. Staples was cool, and after that we departed. =( It was such a good time, though. To the twelve who came today, I had a blast..thanks for amazing memories.

Amanda K told me that she counted the attendance absentee sheet, and 69[!!] seniors were out today!! Holy shit! And I'm sure that it's 70 because I don't think Justin is listed as a senior on the list [he was one today lol]. Wow. To think that today was supposed to be a day where a group of us missed school to go bowling.

Thanks to Dani and Teresa for stopping in work to see me <3.

Who's up to another in the spring? ;)
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