Aug 18, 2004 21:00
Birthdate: AUG 15th
Birthplace: hospital...
Current Location: on a chair
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown and a verry light blonde
Height: 5'7-5'8?..
Righty or Lefty: Right
The shoes you wore today: etnies
Your weakness: being called rick!! GAH!!
Your fears: ..being alone..
Your perfect pizza: hmm...cheese?,lol
Goal you'd like to achieve: to sing..strange but true..
Your most overused phrase: im sorry mom
Your thoughts first waking up: dad home?...
Your best physical feature: my hat?..wha?
Your bedtime: i dont remember..
Your most missed memory: pimpin with my great grandma at the bowling alley,lol
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi!
McDonald's or Burger King: Mc.donalds
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino.
Smoke: hell no..sick
Cuss: ..didnt i just say hell?..
Sing: lol yesssss
Take a shower everyday: yes! thats where i sing most,lol
Have a crush(es): gah..confused
Want to go to college: fa sho!
Like high school: um wha?
Want to get married: pshh..yea
Believe in yourself: sometimes..
Get motion sickness: nope
Think you're a health freak: nope
Get along with your parents: hahahahah heck no who does!?
Like thunderstorms: sure ..there kewl..i guess
In the past month...
Done a drug: yes..tylonal
Had Sex: no
Gone on a date: yes and no..dont ask
Gone to the mall?: YUUUP!
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: uhh..nope
Eaten sushi: yea and i spat it out on my sister!
Been on stage: yess!! IT WAS AWESOME!
Gone skating: yup
Made homemade cookies: yes and it was as black as a nigger
Gone skinny dipping: no..well there was that one time,lol
Dyed your hair: yess...
Stolen anything: money from my mom..just a couple dollars..*cough*hundred....
Played a game that required removal of clothing- ha..yes..thank god i won every game..
If so, was it mixed company: yea
Been caught "doing something": YES!!! i tried farting in my sisters face when she was sleeping..she cought me..and a mouth full of ass,lol nah j-k
Been called a tease: plenty of times!
Gotten beaten up: lol no one can kick my ass..ok well then there is my dad..but he's freakin scarry!
Shoplifted: nope
Changed who you were to fit in: yes...but not n-e more..its a sick sick world i tell ya..
Age you hope to be married: hmmm 25-26
Numbers and Names of Children: 1-2
How do you want to die: when im asleep
Where you want to go to college: depends..if i dont get expelled trowing things that expload in high skewl
What country(ies) would you most like to visit: ITALY and france
In a girl
Best eye color? blue,brown,green
Best hair color? BLONDE..durr
Height: i dont care!
Best weight: thin..not like skinny bone jone's..just thin..normal?
Best articles of clothing: ..i dont know..
Best first date location: hmm..mall,beach..
Best first kiss location: i dont know..somewhere nice ..ya know?
Number of people I could trust with my life: i trust alot of people..
Number of CDs that I own: holy crap...alot!!
Number of piercing: had one
Number of tattoos: none
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? once
Number of scars on my body: ..gah..personal question..but alot?