Aug 14, 2005 13:06
Well, for those who dont know...we broke up. It was probably one of the nicest break ups ever...there was no yelling...there was just crying, hugging, and one last kiss. Im really new at this whole concept so i dont know how to heal or what to do. All i know is that im hurting. i cant even go in my room and not think of him. i can't stand in the driveway without thinking and reliving the night that we broke up. everything goes back to him. every movie, every song, every road, every car, every store...there are so many memories that i can't escape. this is the hardest thing my heart is going through. i feel like something has died inside me. instead of suffering, my heart just feels like there is no pulse.
My body is just going i can;t even cry anymore, i can't think straight and i just want to drown my sorrows away. i know this may not seem that big a deal to some, it is to me. three years in senior year and we break up like 11 days before i go back to school. i dont know what to think....i dont know anymore. everything that once made sense to me is gone. my emotions are so confused....and my heart is pounding in my chest. i dont want to be with anyone but him right now. i sound like i am obsessed and im sorry. but this pain is eating away at me. do i box up all our pics? when we fist fell in love, everything seemed so perfect. we made those stupid promises like we would love each other forever, trust me i still do. and we would always be together....and some how reality found us and had to ruin everything that meant anything to me. and all i can say is that its not fair. he was down to earth..he was whatr i wanted. can i ask ya'll something? do you think its possible for anyone who has broken up, for them to get back together later on. especially if its meant to be? what do y'all think...because i think so. and i will do so until anyone proves me wrong....also we still want to be think that will work? it didnt end why not? it ended because we didnt want to hurt each other anymore. not because there was someone else or because one of us stopped loving the other. just because we didnt always get along. but i guess love isnt always enough