(no subject)

Sep 30, 2004 15:25

[ name ]: Bridget Katherine Dinocento
[ birthday ]: November 17th
[ current age ]: 15
[ loc ]: Jackson New Jersey
[ height ]: 5'4
[ siblings ]: 1 brother,1 sister
[ Siblings age ]: 13,9
[ pets ]: patches the cat lol
[ eye color ] : green/blue
[ hair color ] : blonde
[ artistic? ] : nope not at all
[ boyfriend/girlfriend now ]: chris<33
[ color of your room]: white...plain i kno rite
[ what were u doing 15 mins ago ]: watchin tv
[ u drink ] : sumtimes
[ u shy or outgoing ]: outgoing
[ had fun this summer ]: pretty much
[ feature you notice first ] : eyes,personality
[ looks/personality ] : both
[ piercings ] : ears

[ tan or fair ] : tan
[ age difference limit ] : 3 years
[ smart/dumb ] : idc
[ funny/serious ]: a lil bit of both

[ chocolate milk, or hot chocolate ] : hot chocolate
[ mcdonalds or burger king ] : ugh neither
[ coke or pepsi ] : neither i hate soda lol
[ would you wanna marry your best friend, or the perfect lover ] :my bestfriend
[ tea/coffee/cappuccino ] : cappuccino
[ cats or dogs ] : neither again i am not an animal person
[ milk, dark, or white chocolate? ] : white chocolate
[ sunny or rainy ] : sunny
[ summer/spring ] : summer
[ bunk or water bed ] : water bed


[ Best friends ] : Katreena Yesbek,Kelly Westgate,n Britt A <33 u guyz
[ close/good friends ] : have sum many <3 all of u
[ guy friends ] : Matt,Chris,Mike,Kyle,JJ,Brandon n everyone else
[ Friends that you look like ] : uhmm dun kno that one
[ Who you go to for advice the most ] : Kat
[ skinniest ] : Kathie
[ funniest ] : Britt
[ nicest ] : u all r <33
[ shortest ] : kathie
[ tallest ] : Kat i think
[ changed your life the most ] : kat


[ color ] : black and pink
[ movie ] : A Walk To Remember
[ subject ]: ROTC
[ ocean or pool ] : pool is awesome but the ocean is amazing!
[ laugh or cry ] : lauqh
[ silver or gold ] : silver
[ diamonds or pearls ] : diamonds
[ sunset or sunrise ] : sunset
[ showers or baths ] : shower
[ food ] : anything italian
[ snack ]: ice cream
[ board game ] : Life
[ all-time song ] It wasn't me
[ holiday ] : Christmas
[ movie star ] : idk
[ magazine ] : seventeen
[ tv show ] : Gilmore Girls,Full House,7th heaven..
[ Disney character ] : NEMO and the Little Mermaid

[ animal ] : Chimpanzee
[ drink ] : Pina Colada
[ cologne/perfume ]: Adidas
[ brand of sneaker ] : Etnies

[ activity ] : Police Exploers
[ fruit ] : watermelon and strawberries!
[ juice ] : apple

DO YOU ..?

[ do you like school ] : no not rele its boring
[ do you like to talk on the phone ] : nope
[do you have your own phone line ] : yes
[ do you like to dance ] : yes kinda depends on my mood


[ last time u showered ]: this morning
[ went runnin ] : hs track
[ worked out ] : last week
[ danced like a frickin idiot ] : the other day
[ went to a movie ] : a few weeks ago
[ talked on the phone ] : 10 mins ago wit chris<33
[ wished u were sumbody else ] : nope

[ where would you love to travel to? ]: Italy
[ whats ur middle name? ] : katherine
[ is ur hair color natural? ]: nope
[ do u have a cell phone? ] : yes
[ whats ur online screen name ] : xitaliandebellax

[ what do u want to do with your life? ] : be a police officer
[ last time u went to the doctor ] : over the summer
[ do u have a credit card ] : yes
[ do u consider urself a "nice" person ] : yes
[ last book ]: dunno i dun like to read

[ are u stressed out? ] : not rele anymore
[ do u believe in angels? ] : i deff do!
[ what are u driving now? ] : cant drive damn lol
[ u help pay for it? ] : no
[ do you think your spoiled? ] : ya i deff am lol
[ do u like mustard? ] : its ok
[ have u seen the exorcist? ] : no not yet
[ how bout dumb & dumber? ] : yes
[ ever been skydiving? ] : nope
[ number of piercings ] : 1

[ Slept in your bed ]: me
[ Made you cry ]: matt
[ You shared a drink with ]: uhmm kelly?
[ You went to the movies with ]: chris
[ You went to the mall with ]: mommie
[ Yelled at you ]: dunno
[ Said they were going to kill you ]: no one


[ Said "I love you" and meant it? yes
[ Gotten in a fight] : yup
[ Been to New York? ] yup
[ Been to Florida? ] yes
[ California? ] yup
[ Hawaii? ]: yup
[ Mexico? ]: yes
[ China? ]: nope
[ Canada? ]: no
[ Danced naked? ]: no
[Had a really bad feeling about something then it happened? yes happens all the time
[ Wish you were the opposite sex? ] no
[Had an imaginary friend?] no
[ red or blue? ] blue
[ Spring or Fall? ] fall!
[ Santa or Rudolph? ] Santa
[ Math or English? ] Enqlish
[ What are you going to do after you finish this survey ]: prolly make me sumthin to eat
[ What was the last food you ate? ] roast beef last nite for dinner
[ High school or college? ] high school
[ Are you bored? ] nah not rele this thing keeps ya busy lol
[ Last noise you heard? ] the tv
[ Things you like about a guy ] personality, and how he treats u
[What's on your mouse pad? ] : dun have one
[ Worst feeling in the world? ] : loosing a fam member or a best friend
[ What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?] : what time is it?

[ How many rings before you answer? ] about 2
[ Future daughter's name ]:courtney,brittany
[ Future son's name? ]: anthony,matt,chris
[ Chocolate or vanilla? ]: vanilla
[ Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? ]: no
[ If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? ]: police officer
[ Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous? ]: righty
[Do you type with your fingrs on the right keys? ]: yea i think lol
[ What's under your bed?]: nuttin
[ Glasses/contacts ]: glasses
[ Are You Timely Or Always Late ]: usually always on time
[ Do You Have A Job ]: no but prob gunna get one soon
[ Do You Like Being Around People ]: only if its my friends, family n my bf

read n comment if u want


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