(no subject)

Jun 02, 2006 21:10

i have learned alot of things in the past few months that i was living out on my own, you should read this because theres alot of information that should be taken in so you dont make the same mistake i did, i would like to start out with choose your room mate or room mates wisly because they are the ones you will have to count on in the most when its all said and done, second make sure you have a full proof plan that will work out if you get into money problems while you are out there on your own, third never i repeat never give anyone access to your money or bank account that is whats going to keep you in the game, last and for most make sure you have a plan to get out of your situation and make sure you are comfortable talking to your room mate or room mates about anything because like i said b/4 they are the ones you are going to have to count on in the long run, if you dont trust them or feel comfortable about talking to them about certian things then dont move in with them, dont put your self out there because you just wanna get out of the place you think is hell right now, trust me if you think you have it bad you might have it worse living out on your own if your in a rush, one last thing b/4 i end this, dont be in a rush to get out on your own right after your 18, live life to the fullest and take advantage of what you have at your parents house, if they make you pay your phone bill cuz you have a job oh well, their doing it because they think your resoncible enough to take those kind of things on alone, make sure your ready and you have money to back you self up in tight places, i know it was alot to read but i hope you learned something from this, because trust me if you think you have it bad now, wait till you get out into the real world where ever thing is in your name and you have bills to pay
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