Aug 30, 2004 21:39
~well i definately hate mr perrine.. i hope he drops dead. i really hate him, like honestly hes the first person in my whole life that i HATE with every fucking piece of my heart.. i'm so close to quitting but like i told everyone else.... i'm giving him this week, if things don't change for the better i'll freak the FUCK OUT and quit!
~Andy i miss u! COME BACK AND VISIT ME! <3
~Nilla if you read this.. can u bring my glasses thursday or friday depending when you come?
~school was alright i guess, afterwards was better... SOO MUCH FUNNY TIMES!!!!
~My dad is on pain killers, and he's pretty out of it... i went to talk to him and he started talking about pastry dishes... SOO WEIRD! hes' on pain killers cuz he popped his toe out of it's socket so.. MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF PAIN!
~well football game friday at Riverview... hope to see some of you there.. <3 Always ~*Megan*~