Jan 06, 2014 19:07
Well, the last week has mostly been dominated by the return of Sherlock, and I've already seen both new episodes twice, and have wasted more time that I care to say looking at various interney commentary and artwork... BC is amazing and both actors seemed to have gotten better at their craft since the last series..Can't believe there will only be one more in this "season" and not even sure sure they'll be a fourth. Argggh.
Gak.David Tennant and Jack Barrowman together, sigh, 3 episodes weren't enough. Does JB have chemistry with absolutely everyone? Speaking of
Got to Marsden's first episode of Torchwood. Yowza. Am liking how hot I am free to find him (here and on the Dresden books, far away from the Whedonverse, and his inexplicable dominance of the last seasons of BTVS and ATS.
Oh, and I randomly turned on an episode of Arrow on italian TV (I show I've never watched, frankly the main guy looks totally boring) and THERE WAS BARROWMAN..doesn't quite look to be his style.. is it worth it ?