No I'm not dead yet. I've been meaning to post but I haven't drawn much -shot-
in fact I still have nothing much to post
Update on my life in bullet points:
- Started work, bored to death with orientation that went on for 4 days
- Two nights of consecutive pain (?) because I was on dial-up speed and couldn't download/watch episode76 of KHR
*scrolled straight to Byakuran's bit in downloaded episode*. More screaming.
(something along the line of... "AKJGOWIEJFKOWDJFKOW" <= screamed before Byakuran even appeared. I LOVE YOUR RAPIST VOICE BUT PLEASE DON"T SAY SHOU-CHAN WITH SUCH AN ADORABLE TOUCH you'll break my heart or actually make me grow to not dislike 10051 AND UKE!COSPLAY69 LEO-KUN YOU SOUNDED SO ADORABLE WHEN YOU MADE THAT GRUNTING NOISE asdkgjowqeifjkowdfjkwdkfjkwdofkjkd") - gets shot for writing in so much caps- (and btw, I never finished watching the rest of the episode) - ....Caught a cold. Just as I start work. Yay.
.... Started in Pchat but I had to go to sleep so I coloured in Photoshop.
experimenting really. phail at... whatever effect I was trying to achieve. lol
kiyomisu eating me ♥♥♥