Mar 12, 2009 23:01
Work has been one of my worse week ever.
It's been so stressful, and with being seriously sleep deprieve, I was seriously ready to throw a tantrum yesterday.
And the worse thing is that, when I'm like that, it's written all over my face, and while not talking to anyone, I work to this furious pace. So I freaked out the other staff, and kept getting ask if I'm alright. I'm so unprofessional, lawl. So need to control my temper. OTL
2 more weeks still I'm unemploy, woo.
btw I apologise in advance if I'm emo or snappy at mini Animania, because that's the day after my last day of work ROFL.
And I know this is stupid and there really are more serious things to stress about, but I've been stressing over cosplay and getting back into drawing too. I seriously need to start getting ready for SMASH because my stuff needs to be printed well in advance. But I have absolutely no time.
I fucking get up at 5.30~6am and get home at 6pm every single fucking weekday.
And then weekend I'm too dead to do anything.. ELSE GOING TO COSPLAY MEETUP ROFL.
Of course, I'm going to be unemploy in 2 weeks time, and then I'll be a fucking big emo who is going to EMO STRESS about job hunting.
On more stupid issues to emo/stress over:
>> I'm looking forward to Sat, but I'm stressing over it too xD
I still need to style my wig and get bits and pieces together --> stressed
I can't find my rose petals--> stressed (?)
I can't find decent white flowers (and I'm spending every lunch time hunting for them instead of eating my lunch lol) --> stressed (?).
/am absolutely exhausted but stressing to the point of stomaching WHEN I SHOULD BE FOOKING SLEEPING RIGHTE NOW.
real life,