Hey whore

Feb 15, 2010 23:02

I come home from the land of the brave (Japan) ready to meet my friends. Only to find half of them are busy with work, broke, or are (mostly) overseas. Its only been a week but I've been antsy.

I've been having cabin fever and its not pretty. Ive gone out with my sisters, I havent met a single friend. I should but you know Im lazy, I only just picked up the phone and started the texting others.

But I am bored bored bored bored.
What do I do? Im freer than usual. Im getting lonely because I miss all my friends in Japan (yes the cliche, everyone overseas is cooler than back home).
I miss a lot of things, Im getting my returnee culture shock and I'm also bored.

What do I do?

I whip out my tablet, and draw. Of course it was only several minutes (well the length of an Arashi and then Yamapi song that was stuck on my itunes)

And its kinda Shinpachi, but I dunno what Shinpachi really looks like so it looks like his poor retarded cousin with no decent looking pen sensitivity functions as this is a new laptop and I havent figured anything at all.

I want to rape Shinpachi.

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