mish mash

Apr 22, 2010 03:24

i finally got around to sprucing up my profile info a couple days ago, just a simple resizing of some favorite pictures and a quote, nothing fancy.

last night's Glee was Madonna-tastic and i loved every damn minute of it, as usual! oh man, that show stirs up the high school theater geek within me... makes me miss rehearsing and performing the spring musicals, even if they were horribly low budget. lol

i want to know what my parents did with all their awesome 70's photo albums, they are no longer on the top shelf of the hall closet as they have been since forever. i think they may have hidden them since i keep pilfering the pictures. meanwhile, my absolute favorite picture of my parents taken in Hong Kong in the early 70's when they were newlyweds is nowhere to be found and i sincerely hope i didn't lose it. it's highly uncharacteristic of me to lose anything, especially something so precious to me, so i'm hoping it's just in one of my storage boxes in the attic and that it wasn't lost during The Great Bedroom Purge of '08.

the field trip to the LA Natural History Museum today was really fun and went swimmingly. i was dreading the bus ride since i figured we'd be squished on a small school bus stuck in traffic with the kids going stir crazy, but it turned out to be the total opposite. we got a huge charter bus with comfy, reclining seats and the kids barely took up half of it. there was basically no traffic and the kids were well behaved and kept themselves entertained, so the ride there and back was quite relaxing. when we got to the museum we sat on the grass outside with a bunch of other kids from other Anaheim Achieves sites and ate pizza for lunch. then we were free to explore the museum at our own leisure, i'm really proud of the kids for being so well behaved the whole time... they listened to directions and didn't give us any stress. i was also loving how excited they were to see all the exhibits, i loved their curiosity and that they were really getting into learning things. not a single kid complained of anything being boring, it was great. right when you enter the museum there's a huge lobby with a huge domed ceiling and a giant dinosaur skeleton in the center so Jessie (another one of the group leaders) and i looked at each other and excitedly said "it's like Night At The Museum guys!" and the kids all cheered and got super excited. fun times :D after we were finished looking through the museum we went back out to the grass, the kids got pudding cups and juice, and we headed back to the school.

and finally, a short meme that's been floating around my f-list to finish off this disjointed jumble of an entry

My username: itakehisbishwop
Explanation: it's taken from one of my favorite parts in the LOTR extended DVD interviews. Dominic Monaghan was recounting a chess game between BK (one of the hobbit stand ins) and Sean Astin and he was imitating BK's thick indian accent, mispronouncing "bishop" and all. the full quote: "I take his bishwop, and then he come and he try to take my king, and I TAKE HIS KING!" i wish i could find that snippet online since it's much more hilarious to actually see it. however, you bet your sweet ass i'm nerdy enough to have a gif of part of it stored deep in the bowels of my photobucket account:

My profile name: Alicia
Explanation: it's just mah name

My journal title: It don't matter if you're black or white
Explanation: it's the central lyric of one of my favorite MJ songs and something i truly believe. it also happened to serendipitously fit the theme of my new layout.

My journal subtitle: ♥
Explanation: LOVE! duh.

My friends page title: It don't matter if you're black or white
Explanation: same as my journal title because i'm lazy and because it flows best with the layout that way
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