i can plz be having a money tree nao?

Apr 12, 2010 02:22

damn you vintage poster tyrants and your price gouging ways! i really want this awesome vintage David Bowie concert poster that i found on amazon but it's $85. i also found a poster size print of that gorgeous Bowie Rolling Stone cover but it was $50. WHY MUST I BE POOR?! *cries*

speaking of spending money on things i shouldn't be, i was wandering around B&N with Sean today and this gorgeous book caught my eye and immediately bewitched me.

Nell Brinkley's art is absolutely stunning and i'm now completely enamoured with it. besides the stunning visuals, my inner history geek is squeeing because i adore the 20's & 30's. i didn't buy it at B&N because i wanted to buy it for $10 cheaper on amazon, but i ended up buying a bunch of posters along with it and thus spent way more than i would've had i just bought it at B&N in the first place. yessir, my logic is fantastic.
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