
Mar 11, 2009 23:26

じゃ~。。。このエントリーは日本語だけで書いてみます、もっと練習しなくちゃいけないんだから。本当は会話練習のほうが必要なんだ。いいな~。。。コンピューターを使っていると漢字の書き方を覚えてなくてもいいです。最近、関西弁を勉強している、面白いだよ。大阪のアパートを探しているだけど京都のを探していると何も見つけられないんだ。京都のアパートも調べたい、比較したい。じゃあ、もう疲れたから終わります~!バイバイ! (・3・)

ところで、バーベルフィッシは無理やねん。よくちゃうわ! 特に関西弁で書いたら。


subject line = can you read this?

soo... i'm going to try to write this entry only in japanese because i have to practice more. actually, i need conversation practice more than writing practice. how nice... whenever i use the computer i don't have to remember how to write kanji. recently i've been studying kansai-ben (western japanese dialect spoken in kyoto/osaka/kobe area), it's interesting. i've been searching for apartments in osaka, but whenever i try to search for apartments in kyoto i can't find any. i want to check apartments in kyoto too because i want to compare them (with osaka). well, since i'm already tired i'll end this. bye bye!

by the way, babelfish is useless. it's often wrong. especially if i write in kansai-ben.

music = michael jackson
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