We got 6 beautiful icons again ♥ Now, please, take your time and vote. The theme is Weapons. Please, note that the number of icons you vote on has been cut down.
Remember - the more votes, the better ♥
Table created with
accio.nu's icon table(less) generator [~] You may not vote for your own icon.
[~] Non-members cannot vote.
[~] Do not edit your votes. Delete the old comment and post a new one instead.
[~] The number of the icon is above it.
[~] Vote for 1st and 2nd in a clear order. You may not vote for the same icon twice.
[~] There will be no Mod's Choice.
[~] There is no Special Category this week.
[~] Voting will end on Tuesday, July 17.
The next theme should be up soon.