Thanks for the confidence in the last post, you guys! <3 No new updates yet, sad to say, but some plans in the works. Help me out?
First, I'd like to get some
rec lists going, or at least information on where to find ItaSaku stuff. If you know of anything worth recommending (fanfic, fanart, graphics, essays, websites, whatever), send it my way and I'll get a list together to link from the community profile. Also, pointing to other rec lists or just fanfic/fanart sources (like C2 communities and DeviantArt fanclubs) would also be cool.
Second, how about a
community name. Right now 'Itachi X Sakura' is in the name slot, and as informative as that is, an actual name would be nice. Any ideas for a title for our community here? I have some ideas (Winter Kiss, Dark Heaven, Cruel Seduction, Sweet Affliction, Broken Focus) but I'm not really the creative writer type here -- so help me out, spit out ideas! Something that sounds better each time you say it, and good followed by "___, an Uchiha Itachi x Haruno Sakura community".
Third, the anniversary of the community's creation is coming up at the end of October. Would you guys like to do a contest or something for it? Ideas for that would be great, as well, since I'm not sure in what direction to take it if we do.
And that's it for now! There should be a profile update coming soon, I'm working out the design. If you want anything else, just hit me!