(no subject)

Oct 06, 2009 19:11

Student Name:

LIS 518: Reference Sources & Services
Fall Semester 2009

Assignment: Homework 4
Due: October 6, 2009


Please use this MS Word document to complete the homework assignment. Please print out the completed assignment and be prepared to submit it at the beginning of class on October 6.


Select a topic for your pathfinder assignment. The topic must be appropriate for the type of library you desire to work in, and it should be meaningful to you.


Legal Research - I am currently enrolled in LIS 512. I know I want to be a reference librarian. However, more and more, I want to be a law librarian. That said, I want to explore legal research - is it for me?

Select a backup topic for your pathfinder assignment.


In addition to legal research, I am interested in being a subject librarian - perhaps English or World History

Identify an authoritative information source about the topic that is your first choice for the pathfinder assignment. The source may be an article (journal, magazine, or newspaper), a book, an image, a sound recording, a video, a web site, or any other relevant material. Write a full and proper bibliographic citation for the source, and also a proper annotation.
• Citations must be formatted to and compliant with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), sixth edition.
• For assistance creating proper annotations, refer to the following web guide:
Purdue University. (2009, July 1). Annotated Bibliographies - The OWL at Purdue. Retrieved from http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/01/


Pritchard-Schoch, Teresa. (1993). The Law Librarian’s First Step to CIO: The Conflicts
Database. Database Magazine, 16(6), 105-108, Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.


For the most part, this article is anecdotal - two friends chatting over coffee. The author shares her experiences as a law librarian - drawing on them to illuminate the ins-and-outs of - not only the law librarian - but the law library at large. Throughout the article, the author focuses on conflict. From conflicts of interest, to conflicts database - No doubt there is no shortage of detail. However, the article is too acute, specific, detailed. I hate to admit, it may not come in handy. In spite of its non-threatening as well as conversational prose, the information presented is a wee bit advanced for one new to the field. Rather than outline the general expectation of a law librarian, the author dives into the “Conflicts Database.” Although this article may be useful down the road, it is not a good place to start. That said, more research is needed.
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