(no subject)

Jan 15, 2006 23:12

10 things that you probably don't know about me!

US and A! High five!**

1. i think john robert semple is gorgeous.
2. my russian code name is brian.
3. my mom was going to name me sasha to go along with the "s" alliteration in my family...steve, sandy, sean, stephanie...nicole.
4. my favorite present for christmas EVER was a pink flashlight.
5. i've never been to disneyland or world, but if i went i would fire guns. and people would probably run away in fright. but then i would say, "just kidding, it's only water!"
6. i really like movies that guys usually like, like the godfather.
7. if i could be any animal in the world, i would choose fruit BAT.
8. lava lamps are beautiful, like the ocean. they intrigue me. fantastic.
9. i was born in phoenix, arizona. actually, it was a place called glendale.
10. i met john curly. i took a picture with him. he liked my shoes.
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