ConChord, part 2 (5 months late)

Nov 28, 2010 23:03

Is this a long-overdue commentary on OVFF?  No.

This may be difficult to believe, but it's a ridiculously-overdue part 2 of commentary on ConChord.  You remember: that con I was toastmaster for back on July 4th weekend?  Yeah.  Well...  As I mentioned before, I'd written part of this, then work got stupid-busy.  (In fact, Thanksgiving was the first day I had completely off of work since OVFF.)

Let's see, where did we leave off?  Ah yes, the Toastmaster was about to take the stage.  What did he do there?  Well,

Waiting to be Kaneffed
Woodland Dream [w/ Beckett, Sue, & Tom]
The Teela Tango
Inward Bound [w/ Maya]
Callings [w/ Maya & Kathleen]
Where the Magic is Real [w/ Kathleen, Maya, & Jeff]
She Talks to Hobbits [w/ Jeff & Maya]
Let's Get the Monkeys to Do It [w/ Seanan, Maya, & Jeff]
I Would Walk with You [w/ Maya]
Big Yellow Taxi [w/ everybody]

Two new songs in the set.  You may be able to guess what "Waiting to be Kaneffed" is about.  "She Talks to Hobbits" is a fandom-themed parody of The Black Crowes' "She Talks to Angels"; Jeff did a nice rendition of the original guitar work, and Maya took the chorus and bridge.  (Even moving from open-E to open-D, those parts stretched my range a bit far.)  It was fun to not be the one playing guitar for once (extremely unusual), and fun to really cut loose, trying to emulate the original vocal style.  :{)}

I pointed out to the crowd that I was playing The Teela Tango (based on Ringworld) with Larry Niven in the audience.  :{)}

"I Would Walk with You" was one Maya asked that we do, when she and I were working up the set.  Hello and thank you Cindy, wherever you are.

Joyride was requested by the GoH (Seanan).  You just gotta do what the GoH says.

There were some technical snafus, and the finale could really have used a couple of rehearsals with everyone at once.  But in the end everyone had a good time (especially those of us on the stage :{)}).  Thanks again to all of the musicians who helped me out, as well as to the sound crew and the audience.  Fun show.

After that came a radio show named Hour 25, which was interviewing the various guests of the con, starting with me.  I spoke with the host (Mike Hodel) for maybe 15 minutes, mostly talking about filk and fandom in general, with a little about my own involvement in filk.  Seanan (who's obviously become pretty at-ease with interviews), Stone Dragons, and other convention guests were also interviewed.  Their web site is at herel, but I don't see their ConChord show up there.

OK, continuing this now, I have naturally forgotten some details.  GoH Seanan was her usual, amazing self.  I played guitar for her.  She even included, at my request, Talis Kimberley's "Death Danced at my Party", and I got to be Death on the penultimate line.  I always have fun with Seanan.  :{)}

And I was asked to be MC for Westercon's masquerade.  That was fun, and educational.  I've never been involved in a masquerade before, other than as audience.  I sat in the green room and spoke with all the participants, asking whether they wanted me to say or do anything in particular (beyond what was on their entry sheets).  I got to hold the flashlight to "attract the attention" of a moth character (who was a prize).  I enjoyed that new role.

I did attend open filk on other nights I was there, which included one fun moment where we in the small filk room were singing along on "Santa Monica Pier" with Kathy Mar in the other one (through the foldable wall in between).  Found out later that she had heard us.

Anyway, a very belated Thank You to the ConChord (and Westercon) concoms for the opportunity.  I enjoyed myself greatly, and so did the rest of my family.
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