You suck

Jul 18, 2004 00:35

Tabs are lame. If I find out you use them, I will beat you with a rather blunt and heavy object. Go learn how to read proper notation. You will be laughed at and beaten by me until the this criteria has been met.

While I'm on the subject; here is a list of other things you can do to get yourself a swift kick to the teeth by me:

* Speaking in ebonics (Exceptions will be made if mockery is involved)
* Using Internet speak (In example: "ur", "b4", "lol", "u", "y", and so fourth)
* Improper use of your and you're (Most people I associate with on a daily basis are in high school, there is no excuse for this.)
* Improper use of there, their, and they're (Most people I associate with on a daily basis are in high school, there is no excuse for this.)
* Poor use of grammar and punctuation (Again, you high school students have no excuse for this. [This also goes with "Using Internet speak", and other above reasons.)
* Being stupid (I don't need to elaborate, you know what I mean.)
* Letting yourself be heavily influenced by mainstream media. (Do some research for yourself. Don't think you know politics and current happenings because you watch the evening news. Do not try and imitate what you see on MTV, and other such channels; most people on MTV are morons, and are very much uncool.)
* Trying and discuss and act like you know things that you really don't. (It's obvious when you do. Don't be stupid.)
* Failing your classes (Failing your classes is not cool. They are horribly simple. There is no excuse for a "F", if you can drag yourself to school everyday you can at least pull off a "D". Don't be stupid, you will be sorry very soon.)
* Ditching classes or school (You are an idiot if you do this. Don't be stupid)
* Doing drugs (You are an idiot. You are an even bigger one if you are one of the morons that do this whilst inside your school. [Don't give me the "It's my body" crap either. You're still idiotic.])
* Doing something you know will get you a royal beating. (If you think you're about to do something that will merit yourself a good beat-down, don't do it.)

That's all, kids!
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