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1. Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up.
* First aid box for Friday night soccer games
* Giant remote for our giant dorm TV
* Master schedule for GPGC music lessons
* Our 'treasure chest,' a box full of Brain Bucks for the counselors to hand out
* Stack of textbooks for the Psychology students to use for their papers
2. How many times have you changed your hairstyle in the past five years?
Ahahahaha. I just let it grow out until I can donate it and then cut it into a bob again.
Now as to *how* I style it, I really picked up on vintage hairstyling and actually using products in my hair circa 2007 but before that I was just a wash and go/ponytail or headband girl. So the cycle goes bottom of the ear short (2005), bra strap long (2007), bottom of the ear short (Summer 2009), bra strap long (summer 2011). I think I want to go for a bit longer now though because I am absolutely crap at doing the 1920s/30s styles you have to do with short hair. Finger waves, I am notsogood at them.
3. What is your favorite article of clothing (that you own) and why?
I am going to say my Doctor Who scarf I knitted as a freshman in college even though it might actually count as an accessory. But it is my faaaaavorite. I was new to this Doctor Who thing. I discovered it the summer before college and it was SHINY and amazing and there was ALL THIS FIC and ALL THIS CANON and I was making giant swathes through Old School/Classic who and I loved it all and it was a really awesome time in my life and my first really big knitting project. It was the *reason* I learned how to knit. Also I met my roommate of junior and senior years because I was wearing the scarf and she recognized it. It is really warm and super long and cozy and useful even though it is sometimes a bit silly looking and I love it rather strongly.
4. What's your favorite cartoon?
The Magic School Bus. I want to be Ms. Frizzle when I grow up. Except a librarian. #awesomedresses #awesomeearrings #awesomeEVERYTHING
5. If you got a tattoo, what would it be of?
Right now I like the idea of getting the Governor's Program motto as a bracelet tattoo on my left wrist. The GPGC, kind of important to me. Juuuust a bit.
This is what it looks like on the back of the t-shirts we all wear. (counselors have white tshirts with colored rings and the students wear royal blue like in the drawing)
6. What's your favorite mystical creature?
In fic I am QUITE FOND of werewolves. In general, maybe jackalopes? Although really I have many many favorites. They just aren't occurring to me right now.
7. What are you thinking about right now?
It's kinda cold, I would like desk duty to be over because my neck hurts, I have to remember to wipe my browser history from the desk laptop before Kirky takes over...
8. Write the first word that comes to mind.
Mind. <--never very good at these things, lol. Words just echo in my head when memes ask things like this.
9. What musician is your favorite to see in concert?
10. If you came across $2,000 (or other currency) would you keep it or turn it in?
If I felt like it wouldn't come back to bite me on the ass, sure I'd keep it. But I am very unlucky when I am doing dishonest things, so I'd probably try fairly hard to return it because I know how how this works fate >.< you have tried this on me before.
11. What was the last thing that you bought?
400 sensor covers for the program's ear-thermometer.
For myself with my own money - gold nailpolish! (prettttttty)
12. What other countries have you been to (if any)?
England, Ireland, and Germany. (And France if you count airport visits)
13. Do you have a favorite comedian and if yes, who?
Bill Bailey is my favorite person who is also a comedian. I love watching him on Quite Interesting. And his apocalyptic rave to the BBC News theme song is THE BEST.
14. Last book you've read?
Ahahahaha. A published book? Not fanfic? Um, I started Tooth and Claw by Jo Walton
15. What are you doing this weekend?
MANY THINGS. We-the-program are going to make giant bubbles out on the back porch and go swimming and have a soccer game and have a Saturday dance (that I will not attend ahahaha no) and we will go to the movies and possibly go bowling, and have a Disney move marathon! :DDDDDD Also I will sneak in some internet time and read more BBBs.
16. What is your song of choice RIGHT NOW? The one you select when you kick off your playlist in the morning or whenever.
Lol, I really really don't listen to music on a day-to-day basis or anything but the Black Cards song Paradox has rather been in my head recently. Also Ke$ha's Blow. Ear wormmmmmmm.
17. Favorite movie of the last six months?
Well, I am HELLA looking forward to/hoping it will be good at Cowboys & Aliens and HP7 pt 2.
And I think Thor was my favorite that I've seen so far in 2011
18. Favorite season?
Ahahaha I hate them ALLLLL. Summers at the GPGC are pretty fab though. But I like getting all layered up in winter clothes as well.
19. Which part of this year are you looking forward to the most?
...BBB wave 2? The rest of BBB wave 1? Yuletide? No_tags? all my favorite times of the year are fandom times.
20. Best thing this year so far?
Making friends on the internet! \o/ Not being a total lurker anymore is SO FUCKING AWESOME.
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