Schedule says, Children's lit test tomorrow, so I'm sharing one of my mostest faroritest poems ever.
It's called The Loch Ness Monster's Song by Edwin Morgan.
Hnwhuffl hhnnwfl hnfl hfl?
Gdroblboblhobngbl gbl gl g g g g glbgl.
Drublhaflablhaflubhafgabhaflhafl fl fl -
gm grawwwww grf grawf awfgm graw gm.
Hovoplodok - doplodovok - plovodokot - doplodokosh?
Splgraw fok fok splgrafhatchgabrlgabrl fok splfok!
Zgra kra gka fok!
Grof grawff gahf?
Gombl mbl bl -
blm plm,
blm plm,
blm plm,
Read it out loud, it's brilliant.
My stupid human trick ( like a stupid pet trick, but different) used to be reciting this poem while eating an airhead.
Download a lovely Scottish person reading it
at this page for free.