Oh god, I'm sorry I don't have the wereithal to do full bookreviews the way they deserve. I've left it until there are far too many.
Uprooted Novik, Naomi * 4.24
EVIL FOREST. MYSTERIOUS WIZARD IN A TOWER HOLDS BACK THE EVIL CORRUPTING FOREST. HE TAKES A GIRL FROM THE VALLEY EVERY TEN YEARS. EVERYONE KNOWS HE'LL PICK KASIA. He doesn't. He picks Agnieszka. and now he's training her up to be a witch. Eastern European folklore fabulosity. Feels a bit Howl's Moving Castle. As excellent as expected.
Penric's Demon (World of the Five Gods, #3.5) Bujold, Lois McMaster * 4.34
Bujold wrote a novella about a boy from a poor-but-noble cheese making family who accidentally inherits a demon. Way lovely.
Shadowshaper Older, Daniel José * 4.03
So this is an urban fantasy novel about a Afro-Latina girl in Brooklyn coming into her magical powers. But though it sounds great and the cover is the prettiest thing, it's...not that extraordinary a read. For me.
The Great Greene Heist Johnson, Varian 3.87
THIS THOUGH. This is a HEISTFIC. Set at a middleschool. Centering around a class presidential election. It's so super great. Like wow. And so nerd-perfect! A component of thier plan is called the Kobayashi Maru.
Ms. Marvel, Vol. 3: Crushed Wilson, G. Willow * 4.28
Darling as ever. Kamla takes down Loki at a Valentines Day dance and meets some new Inhumans!
Prairie Fire Johnston, E.K. * 4.12
I have so many feelings. I can't believe how wonderful and feelings-ful this book was. I love the subtle (and not subtle at all) alternate history moments a dragon-full world has. The ways Shioban and Owen's actions in the last book affect them in this book, thier experiences in the Oil Watch, THE ENDING.
#majchardeath #earned #good #somanycreys
The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 2: Fandemonium Gillen, Kieron 4.33
Chocolate: Sweet Science & Dark Secrets of the World's Favorite Treat Frydenborg, Kay 3.43
There are worse nonfiction books for teens to read. There are better nonfiction books for people I like to read.
Pure Grit: How WWII Nurses in the Pacific Survived Combat and Prison Camp Farrell, Mary Cronk * 4.09
A very nice nonfiction book for the upper middle grades. good pictures, good stories (though I got the nurses mixed up rather a lot, sorry), compelling content.
There are SO MANY teen nonfictions books about WWII you guys. So. Many.
To Hold the Bridge Nix, Garth * 3.83
I did this one as an audiobook and had a GREAT time with it. Every story had a different reader.
I'd only seen Garth had put out a new book of short stories by happenstance - seeing it at a library I visited while on vacation! The first story, To Hold The Bridge was the only Old Kingdom story in the collection (as is usual) but there was also a story from the Shades Children universe AND one from the Confusion of Princes Universe.
I loved the variety of settings and genres the collection ran to. Vampire Weather was a particular favorite. I REALLY didn't expect one of the stories to involve Hellboy. How licensing?
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