There's a script for that! ::joy::

Mar 14, 2013 22:03

Helloooooo fellow ao3 users. As I just said to @viewontheworld, it is an AO3 greasemonkey/userscript PARTY in my browser tonight.

(Also on my twitter because I keep livetweeting my new acquisitions.)

So! Tonight we will be talking about ao3 download buttons, ao3 navigation and lazy tweaks, ao3 saved filters, AO3:Kudos tools, and kudos hit ratio. My pinboard and instagram userscripts are off topic but ALSO GREAT!

Step one. Use firefox like me! (scripts aren't JUST for ff, but all my instructions are ff-centric) (you can totes do a similar thing in Chrome!)

Step two. Download Greasemonkey! Heeeere
It is an add-on for firefox that will manage all your userscripts. As add-ons go, it is up there with ad-block for how much I LOVE it.

Step three. Go to and download the userscripts you want! Some of them need no further action from you than that initial dowload, isn't that GOLDEN?

---These Be: All the pinboard userscripts (Off topic! But RELEVANT)
ao3 download buttons
--ao3 download buttons makes a button that appears by every fic as you scroll down "Works found in [FANDOM or TAG]" and "Works by [CREATOR]"

[[[note! dl-ing this from github is a CONFUSING PAIN. I have just linked you to the
ao3some post so you can thank
tuff_ghost if you like it. Go to the side of things, HERE to actually DL it.]]]

--When you click the button, you get a little extra slide out menu where you can choose mobi/epub/pdf/html, all the normal players
--Here's what that looks like:

--I like using this when I go down a fandom or a search and just MASS DOWNLOAD everything I know I want - without opening a bajillion new tabs.
--(so hot, (right) outta the box)

Step 3.14) Tweak your userscripts so they work for YOU! And your username. And such. After you've downloaded the script(s), go to your Add-ons page, go to the Userscripts tab and select 'Options' for one of the following.

Once your 'Options' pop up has well and truly popped, at the bottom of the popup you should see the option to 'Edit this userscript' - click!

It should open up in text-editor-of-your-choice. Notepad++ is very pretty for these kinds of things. It colorcodes all the brackets for you. Notepad will do!

Alright! Still with me? Now too the custom edits!

-----ao3 navigation and lazy tweaks

Aaaactually, this one may be DL and GO for you.

For me, (latest FF on Windows 7) it worked best if I followed in the more knowledgeable footsteps of THIS user. Do I know what kepresses vs keydowns mean? Noooooooo. I just went to and downloaded the EARLIEST version of the script. And it worked!


Buuuut. I want epub, not mobi when I push the d key. SO! Here comes the edit:

Copy the code
poulpette made, and REPLACE the corresponding section of code.

so that's copy

if(e.which == 100 ) //if 'd' hit, download the work under specified format {     var dlformat = 1;     // Download format:         // 0: mobi          // 1: epub          // 2: pdf          // 3: html           var location = jQuery('#downloads li a').eq(dlformat).attr('href');     if (location!=null)     {         window.location.href = location;     } }

and c/p over the bit of code that reads like THIS:

if(e.which == 100 )// if 'd' hit, download the mobi version of this             {                 var location = jQuery(' .secondary a').first().attr('href');                 if (location!=null)                 {                     window.location.href = location;                 }             }

Careful to snag all the curlybracktes, yeah? Yeah!

If you want to DL pdfs or html files obvs you will need to change that number in the newly pasted code to a 3 or a 4. If You want mobi, why did you c/p new code in, eh? :D

And DONE! Done done done <3

-----ao3 saved filters

tuff_ghost  again! Again: thank on DW, dl on, side-eye github.]]]

Filters! Yes! Filters!

You do not actually have to edit anything IN the code for this one, It's just a bit tricky to get it to actually START. And WORK. I mostly restarted firefox and f5'd a lot, I believe. And left a lot of comments on the
ao3some post. >.>

So, my notes for this one are: KEEP AT IT. TURN THINGS OFF AND ON AGAIN! And, the screenshots at tuff_ghosts post show you how this one plays out. IT WILL BE WOOOORTH IT.

The AO3 update this summer KILLED ao3 saved filters, but LUCKILY OF ALL LUCKS, Blurb Blocker is a similar script which STILL WORKS. YAY UNTO FILTER TOOLS! (Yay!)

-----AO3:Kudos tools

Juuuust posted!

This fulfills that need you may have to KNOW if you've kudos'd a fic before, so you don't get that little smiley reminder.

Download from, go in and go to 'edit this script'! It won't work until you plug your own username in to the USER blank.

poulpette does LOVELY annotations so it's quite easy to see. ...if you know to look, lol! (I did NOTat first and f5'd in vain faaaaar too many times)

So on the line that says

usr = 'YOU', // Your username change "YOU"! (isweedan for me, obvs)

I.... did not like that my name got turned green in the kudos list and decided I wanted to just have the Kudos button go green.

I changed that by adding a "//" in front of the line that said kudo.addClass('usr'); - this turned it into a annotation/comment that isn't a performing part of the  script any more.

(I could have just deleted it, but what if I want it BACK one day?)

I have yet to explore the third feature of this script (the highlighting of other people's names thing) but
poulpette 's annotations/comments ARE very clear, so I bet you can figure it out if you'd like it <3333

-----and kudos hit ratio (which, so far as I can tell, only works for firefox since the summer AO3 update)

Thiiiis is not on ao3some yet. I found it by exploring
poulpette 's published scripts >.>


I COLOR-CODES FIC HEADERS BY THEIR  KUDOS TO HITS RATIO. (and also displays the ratio number next to the title) HOW COOL IS THAT. HOW COOL.

Here is a screenshot:

RIGHT? Riiiiight?

Like the documentation on says,
poulpette still has this one in beta - it doesn't know what to do with un-kudos'd works yet and such, but SO COOL. SO COOL.

The change you need to make in this one is much like the change in the Kudos tools script - you need to go in swap in your name for the placeholder!  This is the line you are looking for:

if(jQuery('p.kudos a[href^="/users/theaeblackthorn"]').length > 0 ) // CHANGE THIS TO YOUR USERNAME
Do what
poulpette says, yo.

[For me this turns headers of fics I have already kudos'd not green, but a sort of yellow. Maaaybe what Crayola would call yellow-green.]

I also went down to the bottom and changed the 500 in this

if (kudos_val >=500 ) { thing.css('border','5px solid #000000');
to 800, because that's my bottom limit for Teen Wolf fics these days, lol. You could change it to 100 for hockey or whatever you think is good for whatever fandom.

Am I done? Whew! I think I'm done. Check all the documentation on
ao3some /the comments and check the script summaries on to be sure you understand what all the scripts are for and what all they'll be doing and ENJOY! \o/

Also at -
comment(s) there.

tutorial, yfrog, pinboard, userscripts, ao3

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