Sep 26, 2005 15:28
ok fine i dont hate college.
our relationship is going slow, college and mine, it seems to be one of those love/hate things where you are attracted to a person despite their complete asshole-ness, and even though you know you shouldn't be wasting your time, you still crave this person's love and affection more than anything. Incidentally, one of my suitemates is going through one of these relationships with a real person. I have no such relationships with real people yet.
and just a word from the wise to all of you still in high school: honestly, you may want nothing more than to get the hell out of davis and your parents house. I couldn't wait. But just take a minute and appreciate the security, because once you are hurled out of your element (yes you will be out of your element) you will want nothing more than to sit down with your best friends, eat ice cream, and gossip or watch movies. I don't even miss my parents that much, and I'm doing ok without my secure group of friends--but its the knowledge that these people are not even accesible, not even to talk to, that throws me. Just appreciate it, thats all i ask.
that being said, i am becoming more comfortable every day. even though i assumed that i would come and immediately have 100 friends and a boyfriend (this doenst happen, apparently), I am making friends and developing love interests and finding people to hang with, but it is slow going. and the hardest part is not the classes or the studying, its the saturday night when you don't really have anything to do but hang in your suite with some girls, at the same time realizing that you are not having anywhere near as much fun as you could be having with your best friends. i don't know if that made very much sense, but there you go. i do miss you all, but i am not hating college. i was just hating that precise moment and the interactions that were happening between me, my suite, and the suite across from mine (which, is, incidentally, a boy's suite). it was just a weird night.
and now to scrounge food. good lord im hungry.