Jan 24, 2007 10:11
It's a thing that happens when I have a lot on my mind...
This morning it was vector addition problems.
I lie in bed thinking Im doing something because Im calculating (incorrectly with invisible numbers) equations that I think I need for the day. I need to convince myself that I have already done my Statics homework and I dont need to do this "problem"... I just need to wake up and get ready so I wont be late for class.
It leaves me tired, low, and altimately stressed beyond belief!
By the way - class is Mon, Wed and Thurs - mandatory attendance - 8:00am at least a half an hour drive if Im lucky (ie. as long as it isn't snowing) - and parking is an issue! Therefore - I leave my house at 7 to make sure Im there on time. Add this on to staying up until 1am or later (or earlierm, however you like to think of it) doing homework or other chores around the house...
Wednesday is especially hard since I have classes straight until 4:30 with no time for a food break. Its a tough day.
Basically - all Im saying - is this was a bad idea and Im not sure I'll make it through another degree...
Not with what sanity I have left still intact...