[The PCD clicks on, apparently handheld to display a dismal view of a library or bookshop in a state of severe disrepair. Many of the neon lights have either stopped working or fallen to the floor, the shelves are battered, and there's at least an inch of water and mud on the floor. The image moves as Jotaro walks slowly down the aisle, stopping occasionally to have a closer look. He finally stops and places the PCD on a shelf to talk into it.]
Hey, Lelouch, I'm in one of the libraries you mentioned. It's a mess.
I know everyone's busy with the new joyride, but it looks like it's going to rain today and this place won't -
- wait -
[A weird skittering sound can be clearly heard from somewhere up ahead. Jotaro picks up the PCD and takes a step forward, listening. The skittering sounds again, closer this time; at the edge of the screen, something silvery flashes briefly.]
Isn't this wonderful.
Give me a moment.
[Another silvery flash, clearly closer this time, and then a loud fwoosh! as whatever it is launches itself forward. Unfazed, Jotaro braces himself as the air shimmers around him, Star Platinum starting to manifest -
- then fading just as it appeared, as if it was never there. Jotaro has maybe two seconds to react to this, with a wordless yell of shock, and no time at all to dodge.
The thing, barely visible for its speed, crashes fully into him, knocking them both out of the frame as the PCD flies away to land hard on the floor out of view of the action.]