Being Human: Blood Beats Black [Hal/Cutler]

Mar 23, 2012 22:46

Title: “Blood Beats Black”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: R
Timeline: 1950 [Spoilers for Episode 4x07]
Summary: Cutler’s first week of being a vampire. Or a poor excuse for one. [Hal/Cutler, Cutler/Rachel]
Disclaimer: Being Human belongs to Toby Whithouse and the BBC. Title from “Bloodbeat” by Patrick Wolf.
A/N: Cutler’s background story pretty much ( Read more... )

being human, fanfiction, ch: nick cutler, slash, ch: hal yorke, p: hal/cutler, het, tv

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Comments 10

shirogiku March 23 2012, 20:56:28 UTC
I have a weak spot for vampires -- proper vampires, that is -- and you got me curious about this pairing. I'm a little in love with this fic ♥

You write splendid bloodsuckers. Chilling and visceral and yet Nick's motivation -- the need to please Hal, to make him proud -- is very human.

It’s like he doesn’t even exist anymore.

The need is physical, tearing at his very system, inside and outside.

The forefinger, the middle finger, the ring finger, all dazzling red, rivulets of blood spreading over his skin like syrup. Gorgeous)))

I also love this Hal character. You gave him very effective dialogue lines!

“There are no gifts in this world,”

“I’d hate to force you.” Hal gives him a blank, pleasant smile that states exactly the opposite. I love smiley bastards:D

He withdraws his hand, leans into Nick and kisses him briefly and violently. “But don’t blame them on yourself.” HAWT

I love that these two don't have the Lestat/Louis issues)))


istne_pieklo March 24 2012, 07:22:18 UTC
I love real vampires too, those who don't sparkle or whine too much)) It's part of what I love Being Human for. It deals with the same issues as everything else: don't want to be a monster, don't want to kill people, etc. - but in a very unique, realistic and non-sappy way. And vampires there are seriously scary! XDDD
Nick is... I just want to give him a hug after I've seen his backstory. >_< There's a scene in that ep that takes place in the present where he and Hal have pretty much swapped places, and Hal begs him not to do [smth evil] and remember what he was, and Nick snaps at him, saying smth like: What I was, you took from me. You turned me into an addict and a murderer. You don't do that to smn and then apologize!)) It pretty much made me cry. T_T
Come to think of it, Hal was either a very good teacher or a very sucky one, depends on the viewpoint. XDDD
Thank you so much for reading and commending, darling! <333


shirogiku March 24 2012, 07:39:25 UTC
The show's on my to-watch list)))

I love your writing<333

Let me cheer up you up:

What if Gabriel were really evil about the genres to trap Winchesters in...

“Pervert!” Sam yelped in falsetto and buried his face in his hands, blushing furiously, his cat ears(... cat ears?) twitching.

“What the hell?” Dean asked. Behind him, a door opened and Dean swiveled around, already dreading what he’d see.

“Master?” asked Castiel in a demure voice, his maid’s uniform leaving little of his hairy legs to imagination.

Dean’s brain short-circuited.


istne_pieklo March 24 2012, 11:24:19 UTC
I'm glad to hear that)))
Thaaaaanks! <333
LMAO!!! Now I do wish we'd seen this in canon)))


ashamedbliss March 24 2012, 12:08:33 UTC
oh my god, wow. Cutler has been growing on me in recent weeks and you did absolutely brilliant to, like... wow.

I loved this :D


istne_pieklo March 24 2012, 12:33:20 UTC
Thank you very much! <333


dune_master March 28 2012, 13:03:53 UTC
Oh, this is powerful. I think I'll watch that episode again. :)

I think you did a great job of picturing how Cutler is torn between fear of this new life of his and his great desire to please Hal and make him proud. Hal was one creepy motherfucker in the 1950s and you portrayed it brilliantly, all the while making it just so sexy. ^_~


istne_pieklo March 29 2012, 12:39:16 UTC
Nyaaa, thank you, luv! <333
Hal was soooo scary! He's scarier than Snow!


transient_words May 4 2012, 02:31:25 UTC
Obviously, I've still not watched the show, but I loved your writing in this -- deliciously dark, erotic and very well balanced in terms of imagery and atmosphere. ... I might or might not have a kink for blood, and sucking it off, so I thought all those suggestive scenes were beyond hot.

Other than that, I loved the rawness of this, the dialogue and unapologetic nature of your vampires. They're not just mere bloodsuckers, but complex beings with existential questions and doubt. I love that :)


istne_pieklo May 4 2012, 10:59:05 UTC
Thank you, darling! <333 This pairing can be uber-hot)))
I might or might not have a kink for blood, and sucking it off Haha, I know I do)))
Unfortunately I can't take credit for the way the vampires are here. ;))) It's the way they are on show. Which is why I adore the show. XDDD
Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words! <3


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