Title: “Onlookers”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: PG-13 (to be safe)
Timeline: non-linear throughout the entire series [spoilers for all aired episodes]
Summary: Living with Sherlock is like being a constant victim of a Halloween prank. [John, Sherlock; outsiders’ POV… sort of]
Disclaimer: Sherlock belongs to Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss and the BBC.
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this was a perfectly sweet emotional torture. *___*
and I dared to hope that I can come back to SPN. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN XDDD at least, not anytime soon.
am I allowed to translate it, since it's not my prompt? :3
LOOOL, you could always multi-task. XDDDD
Do you honestly expect me to say no? XDDD Do you think I'll ever say no? I love you and I love your translations, so... what do you think my answer will be? XDDD
P.S. Thaaaanks for reading! <33333333333
In fact, I'm not really a multi-task kind of person XDDDDD More like a single-celled organism))))))
weeeeeell, I dunno... 'maybe'?))))))) hehe, I'll go and claim it then x))))
thanks for writing, goddamnit))))))))) <333333333
Yeah... and Sherlock is good at eating brains)))
You flatter me too much))) Have you noticed that you've already translated almost all of my Sherlock fics? XD I feel loved)))
And to think it was a light, fluffy prompt... XDDDDDD Muhahaha!
yeah, this fucker seems to have started nibbling at my last braincell! I don't know what to do XDDDD
I'm actually planning to translate everything you've ever written, if I'm even remotely familiar with the fandom x))))
nothing is fluffy if it can be angsted! XDDDDDD
OMFG, I've written a lot of crap, you know)))))
I'm the universal angster)) Give me your fluff and I will paint it black. XDDDD
well, I've never seen any crap written by you, so I'm not really inclined to believe it XDDD
black fluff is good x))))
Now I really fear that you'll change your mind one day)))
Black fluff is UMQRA!))))
I don't think so x))))
I love that gif where they changed UMQRA to URGAY XDDDDD
TTLY! And I love UMQRA itself))) I once read a fic where Moriarty made friends with it. It's so insane!
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