Grimm: Bad Things Gone Away [Eddie, Nick]

Nov 10, 2011 23:51

Title: "Bad Things Gone Away"
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: G
Summary: The original story of the Little Red Riding Hood had a very different ending. It's just one of the things Nick doesn't need to know. [comment_fic fill for the prompt "the book’s pages are sticking together" by havenward]
Disclaimer: Grimm belongs to NBC, Stephen Carpenter, David Greenwalt and Jim Kouf ( Read more... )

gen, misc, tv, fanfiction, challenge

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Comments 8

llivla November 11 2011, 05:41:02 UTC


istne_pieklo November 11 2011, 09:45:44 UTC
LOL, I still can't believe I did. It's the first time I ever wrote smth after watching only 2 eps of the original show))) I usually need way more canon back-up.


llivla November 11 2011, 05:49:12 UTC
Oh this was the most perfect thing. Eddie+Nick bff angst fic! Oh I love how you packed Eddie's loneliness and sick want to be Nick's friend with the horror surrounding both their families. I love that you made the book so threatening, that Eddie so casually supposed it could be jam or blood. I love that books are DANGEROUS, which is double awesome for my story telling kinks in stories about fairy tales. I love that you have it so Nick is sort of subtextually characterized by either growing up on Anderson fairy tales (where Red was never eaten at all), OR the idea that Grimms AREN'T anti-supernatural, they just wrote a survival guide of sorts (and had Red survive, that the huntsman came and cut open the wolf and pulled her out). So that could explain why he's a crazy person continuing to go to Eddie for help. I love the idea that Eddie doesn't believe the first Red survived, or that there WERE Reds the Grimms never knew about that didn't survive. I love that he's sarcastic even when he's dark.

<3 All the things to you! This is my ( ... )


istne_pieklo November 11 2011, 09:54:42 UTC
Thaaaaank you! <333 Eddie and Nick should ttly be BFF! Though tbh I found Nick's admission that he trusted Eddie a little too quick and too thoughtless: after all, the guy's a monster and even Eddie himself warned Nick not to trust him)))
You know, I read about the earliest versions of the Little Red Riding Hood on Wiki - and they're just SO CREEPY that they begged to be used in a Grimm fic. XDDD They really do go well with the idea of the show: that Grimm creatures are dangerous and scary)) But Nick seems to need time to get used to all that, so let him have a happy ending)))
Thank you for such a flattering comment (it's almost as big as the fic itself, LOL))) I never really expected any attentionn for this fic, and I'm really proud that mine is the first Grimm fic you've read, and that you enjoyed it. <333


lycomingst November 11 2011, 06:41:28 UTC
I really liked this.


istne_pieklo November 11 2011, 09:42:56 UTC
Thank you! :)


elleaf November 11 2011, 17:40:32 UTC
Ohh this is great <3 Monroe is such an interesting character, I'm really curious how he's going to turn out. There are just so many ways to go with him. And I like how they are bonding despite their differences.

If you would like, you should totally post/link to this at grimm_tv :D


istne_pieklo November 11 2011, 21:37:15 UTC
Thank you! :)) I'm curious about Monroe too. He's already my favourite character in that show.
I guess I might. XD It's so short and basically plotless, so I wasn't sure.


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