SPN: Tell Me I'm a Screwed-Up Mess [Dean, Leviathan, Sam]

Sep 26, 2011 16:31

Title: “Tell Me I’m a Screwed-Up Mess”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: PG-13 [some disturbing suggestions, major angst, f-words]
Timeline: post-Episode 7x01, “Meet the New Boss”
Summary: The Leviathan is having an existential crisis. (a.k.a. What if SPN was written by Joss Whedon.)
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and the CW. Title from ‘ ( Read more... )

gen, ch: bobby singer, ch: leviathan, ch: sam winchester, fanfiction, ch: dean winchester, spn, tv

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Comments 26

klutzy_girl September 26 2011, 12:52:27 UTC
This was awesome! I loved this fic! I loved how Sam just nonchalantly mentions Lucifer and how Dean's there for him. I liked Levi sticking around, and yay for Cas still being alive!

(I still have hope Fred was still stuck inside Illyria somehow. Loved the parallels here!)

Great fic!


istne_pieklo September 26 2011, 12:59:15 UTC
Thank you so much! <3
I don't know why but whenever I write crazy!Sam he ends up being non-violent, but always says the weirdest things. XD
I still have hope Fred was still stuck inside Illyria somehow I'd love to believe that too, but canon disagrees. T_T
Thanks for reading! :))


tahirire September 26 2011, 13:32:30 UTC
Love this. Of COURSE the Leviathans will fixate on the Winchesters. I like how it took the Impala's memories. And regarding Cas, I'm with Sam - DUH. Wings or it didn't happen. ;)


istne_pieklo September 26 2011, 13:35:24 UTC
Thank you very much! :)))
Wings or it didn't happen. Exactly! Denial, denial all the way!


datenshiblue September 26 2011, 16:10:18 UTC
Oooh this was fun to read! Quirky and oddly spot on. Weary, weary (and occasionally homicidal) Dean is wonderful. The Leviathan ("Levi" :D) strangely adorable somehow. Sam... I loved Sam randomly inserting "Lucifer says (whatever)" calmly.

I too noticed what Dean had to come back to, We cannot digest the grace of one petty angel.

Cas is so not dead. It's amusing how often some fans seem to be willing to believe anything a bad guy/thing says. Silly kids.

Very nice coda. :)


istne_pieklo September 26 2011, 16:37:49 UTC
Thank you! XD I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Heh, I guess Dean has been a little slow on the uptake)) Must be all the beer. XD
Well, it's been pretty hard to believe otherwise, all things considered, but I really hope Cas is alive. He's my favourite character. >_<
Thank you very much for reading!


saraic333 September 26 2011, 20:17:58 UTC
“Lucifer tells me you don’t exist,” Sam interjects. Before Dean can proceed with a shocked “Wait, what? Who!?”, the Leviathan wanders over to Sam and gives him a clip on the back of the head. “Ow!” Sam grumbles, and believes him. For now ( ... )


istne_pieklo September 26 2011, 20:31:16 UTC
Oh))) I'm very sorry about your laptop, I hope it isn't damaged)) Such things happen to me too sometimes. >_< But I am happy to have made you laugh. XD
I think Levi has a lot of potential. It'd be sad to see him wasted as just another villain, but for now I can live in my crackish, Joss-inspired headcanon and imagine him as smth more interesting than that. XDDD
Oh yes, I feel so very sorry for Bobby. >_<
Thank you for reading! <3


ylmik_wisty September 27 2011, 00:54:13 UTC
i'm just going to say i was eating when i started reading this and got to the jefferson starship head.


i really want to finish this, but i'll wait till i'm done eating C';
loving it so far though! despite the inopportune moment


istne_pieklo September 27 2011, 06:50:44 UTC
OMG, I'm so sorry! XDDDDDDD What can I say? Purgatory monsters = yucky)))))


ylmik_wisty September 27 2011, 17:39:42 UTC
XDDDD That scene is one of my favorites now actually. It was really funny being surprised with that, the sandwich-making was so innocent! Of course I didn't realize what your Levi would be like then.... I was disarmed by its following around the Winchesters.

I loved this!! If the show was like this, I might be tempted to continue watching. I think I'm stopping watching it, but I sooo love your fics and really enjoyed this and will definately continue to read. Poor Dean! The ending put a smile on my face.


istne_pieklo September 27 2011, 18:06:40 UTC
Imagine how funny it was for Dean and Bobby)))))
Actually I have no idea where it came from. I just figured it'd smth Levi would do)))
Awww, don't stop watching! It's such an angsty show)))) (Good reason to watch, eh?) You know... I feel a bit like a traitor to Cas. I've been saying all summer that if they kill off Cas, I'll stop watching, but I ended up liking Levi too much(( Of course, I still hope Cas is alive. >_<
Thank you for reading, sweetie! <333


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