Title: “The Hands of the Clock Came to a Standstill”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: PG
Timeline: post-series 3
Summary: Grace Neville contemplates the future in the aftermath of the battle against the House of Shadows.
Disclaimer: Dante’s Cove belongs to here! and Michael Costanza.
A/N: No idea where this came from. I didn’t particularly like Dante’s
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I like how mature it seems here Well, she is 200 years old)))
As for what they are, it's hard to explain. In a nutshell: they were supposed to get married in 1860-smth. She loved him a lot, but he didn't love her. One day she caught him having sex with a butler, and being a witch that she was, Grace killed the butler on the spot and then chained Ambrosius in the cellar and cursed him to look old until some guy comes along and kisses him))) So he stayed there until present times, secretly studying magic too, and then lured one of the main characters (Kevin) in the cellar and made him kiss him))) Then he fell in love with Kevin and kind of stalked him for several eps)) How the hell Grace stayed alive for all these years, I have no idea, the show doesn't explain it)) But they tried to kill each other a few times more, then their relationship cooled down to relatively peaceful hostility, and then they had to unite to fight against some bigger threats. So this fic is kind of me hoping they'll finally forget the past))
Thanks for reading, darling. <3
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