SPN fic: Dead Don't Talk [Sam, Lucifer, Michael]

Mar 11, 2011 20:20

Title: “Dead Don’t Talk”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: PG
Timeline: post-5x22, “Swan Song”
Summary: Sam learns from Lucifer. Lucifer learns from Sam. [very vague spoilers for Sam’s “condition” in early season 6]
Disclaimer: Kripke is God. Everything belongs to him.
A/N: Fighting my writer’s block every way that I can. ;) Oh God, it took me almost a ( Read more... )

gen, ch: lucifer, spn, ch: michael, ch: sam winchester, tv, fanfiction

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Comments 21

transient_words March 14 2011, 17:42:24 UTC
Okay, hard to comment on this because I don’t get a lot of things. It reminds me a bit of Dante, perhaps - LOL, but, uh, I doubt that’s helpful.

I think this is beautifully written. Very understated, but powerful. With some beautiful imagery there, and I really think it’s smooth, transition-wise. I like all the emotions here - a bit of nostalgia, a lot of longing and not dealing (I feel Sam is losing himself in so many trivial thoughts because he’s not quite willing to admit that he’s stuck in … whatever situation he’s in). I definitely love how Dean is a huge part of his memories. They’re so trivial again, but -- because they’re such a nature - I think it makes things more meaningful?

I like the way you built this up, with those little scenes and moments, rather than telling us everything. It makes for a nice read and also is a great character study. Also loved the parallels between the two pairs of brothers.

Ah, that’s all I can say. I don’t know enough about the show, really XD


istne_pieklo March 14 2011, 17:55:18 UTC
Dante? XD That's a very high compliment)) Not sure about Dante's influence, but I know that the authors of SPN based their Devil and angels on Paradise Lost.
Thank you so much for reading, even if it's not a familiar fandom for you. <3 I used to have many issues with Sam tbh; it took me at least 3 seasons to even start liking him (as opposed to Dean who I loved instantly), so this is a weird piece for me.
I love moments)) If I could, I'd write an entire novel, War and Peace long, built on small, insignificants moments and details. I'm crazy like that))
Thanks for reading once again! <333


dayadhvam_triad March 14 2011, 19:49:17 UTC

I think the most disturbing thing here is how hard Sam is finding it to separate himself from Lucifer, where the edges are blurred and faded--the explicit parts when Sam isn't sure if it's him or Lucifer, and the more implied sections where you use Sam and Lucifer interchangeably in POV (e.g. Lucifer’s throat is burning, but he doesn’t say anything. and if that "he" is Lucifer or Sam).

Bored. It is the worst feeling ever.
YES YES YES. I feel like the cage is not the traditional depiction of Hell torture, but "nothingness," oblivion, yourself wiped clean. And when Sam is split apart, that's quite chilling.

Sam is laughing again. It feels a little like dying and a lot like living forever. It's so hard to figure out which one is worse. D:

I LOVE the ending sentences, first with robo!Sam and then Sam-in-the-cage: He knows that he is free and that freedom is good. That is all. (robo!Sam categorizing something as good and knowing "this" is good but not quite feeling it the right way) and Back in the cage ( ... )


istne_pieklo March 14 2011, 19:59:23 UTC
AM TRYING!!!! <333 ( ... )


dayadhvam_triad March 14 2011, 20:09:29 UTC
awwwww ♥! Last few days were busy wrapping up tests and then my Epic Journey Home With Traffic Jams and Too Many People on Buses. Then I slept 12 hours last night, and got up today and was like NOW I MUST CATCH UP PROPERLY. :)

Show's last mention of Adam was in 6x11 with Death, but I think that's about it. :( The poor sod.

I completely agree. Isolation is mentally stressful, very much so. It almost disturbs me how much I like robo!Sam--mainly because whenever robo!Sam's on the screen, I'm reminded of just how much I miss regular!Sam. Sam was def one of those characters that grew on me over the seasons, but nowadays I have a hard time picking out my favorite character.

LOLOL some of the SPN comms are pretty stringent but usually about headers more than tags. And pshaw I think this is totally fine, go for it. :)


istne_pieklo March 14 2011, 20:16:33 UTC
Yes, I remember they did mention him, but still! Only a mention? Sam gets rescued and then they pick up more pieces of him along the way, and Adam? It's like: Oh, who's Adam, we barely know him, we'll think of him later... maybe... unless we got this Mother chick to distract us and the war in heaven and Purgatory and what to eat for breakfast! He's only our half-brother after all))
I have a pretty clear idea who my favourites are. From the beginning my top fav character was Dean. Then Cas appeared, and now they occupy the first place together, while the second place is occupied by Bobby and Crowley... but Sam just can't take it))) He just has to have his own place in the spotlight. It's different from the main pedestal, but somewhere very near. Sam's just that special. Oddly enough, he turned out likable even in the anime where pretty much no one is likable))))
I just don't like to be dictated what header to use or beg for an author tag... I don't know. Maybe I'll post it in the Lucifer comm or smth...


borgmama1of5 March 15 2011, 16:35:43 UTC
Very provocative twist on Sam's time in the cage--unlike the physical torture of his soul that seems the standard expectation, it is the endless time to think that becomes its own torture.

What I really liked is when Sam's body comes out, and how you make the clear distinction between body and soul and how the body doesn't even know what it's missing.


istne_pieklo March 15 2011, 17:13:04 UTC
Thank you for reading! :))
I figured since we weren't exactly told what kind of tortures Sam went through in the cage, I'd rather not go with traditional pain, pain and more pain))


jayazz March 20 2011, 22:24:55 UTC
я наконец-то добрался *___*

очень понравилось, особенно то, что самым большим мучением в Аду оказалась скука)) и то, что Михаил с Люцифером оказались в итоге почти такими же бестолковыми братцами, как Сэм с Дином, но до которых хоть допёрло, что драться теперь бесполезно. а не как по канону - аццкими сотонами, которые раздирали Сэма на волокна в бессилии((

и раздвоение Сэма прекрасно описано, даже жаль, что на этом всё закончилось((


istne_pieklo March 21 2011, 07:45:54 UTC
Многочисленные параллели между братьями в сериале меня добили, и теперь я представляю Бога таким суровым челом типа Джона Винчестера! Наверняка он потом в свободное время заглянул в клетку и сказал Михаилу и Люциферу: "Ну вы придууурки!")))
Ну они не только Сэма раздирали)) Они вообще всех пораскидали. А в клетке скучно, "сделай паузу, скушай Твикс, поиграй душой Сэма в футбол")))
Когда я начала это писать, канон еще ничего не успел подтвердить или опровергнуть)) Я попыталась тут показать, что да-да, там неприятно, но я все равно сильно сомневаюсь, что они там исключительно Сэмом занимаются. Надо же и друг с другом отношения повыяснять))
Два Сэма лучше, чем один!))) Почему-то никто не оценил подарок Кроули этому миру... кроме, видимо, Люцифера и Михаила)) (Чорд, не могу, я его все равно по привычке называю Майкл!)
СПАСИИИИБО за прочтение и коммент! <3


dune_master March 28 2011, 07:01:21 UTC
I'm late to the party again, but I'll have you know that I really like your style in this story as it progresses from something that is almost light, with all that cute brotherly banter, to a chilling mix of hallucinations and sorrow. I like your portrayal of Lucifer who basically clings to Sam like he's a shield, but the second Sam's body disappears, he proceeds to take it all out on Sam. And I like Michael here. “I have my faith. Is it so wrong?” This really shows how misguided he is. God had basically duped him with all this Apocalypse shit, and he still keeps the faith, which is both touching and pathetic. The insight both Sam and Lucifer show on the matter of their brothers is interesting, too. And finally, the scary soulless Sam and the tormented soul!Sam at the end both make a terrifying and beautiful ending.


istne_pieklo March 28 2011, 11:27:57 UTC
There's no such thing as late to review))) Muhahaha!
Damn, I wanted to say something elaborate here, but you and your MSN lulz have erased my thoughts, so I'll just say THANK YOUUUU! XDDDD


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