27x27 drabble request post

Dec 20, 2010 21:44

So guys, temporarily interrupting a fic/vid spam to offer some mini-drabbles per request. If you don't know what 27x27 is, I shall explain: it's a post consisting of 27 drabbles, 27 words each. Here is an example. Overall, we'd made 3 Sengoku Basara 27x27 posts, which can be found by the eponymous tag.
Currently, there is a Misfits 27x27 post in the making and a multi-fandom one planned. So here's the deal:
- Give me a fandom, a character/pairing and a keyword(s)
- And I'll give you a 27-words drabble.
Nice and simple, eh? Seems short, but it can be lots of fun. ;) The number of requests is unlimited to a person, but I'll stop once 27 drabbles are written. Not that I think I'll get this many requests)))

27x27, message, just me

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