Merlin drabble: First [Morgana]

Oct 24, 2010 15:35

I think it's pretty obvious that I can't bloody write now. I haven't written anything for weeks on end, and I certainly haven't written anything I could be proud of for ages already. I'll spare you the whining about that, though, as I'll spare you the whining about how much Merlin is getting on my nerves with "filler" episodes, fart jokes, Morgana going off-the-chart-evil, and the absolutely horribly developing, incoherent, sickly-sweet, unmotivated Arthur/Gwen idiocy.
The thing is, a friend and I were talking, and she urged me to give one more go to a Morgana fic that I'd started in the middle of season 2. I didn't have much faith in it (and I was right), but still, I opened the file and re-read the one paragraph I had had written. I can't continue it for the life of me, but you know what? It makes a fine drabble, now that I think about it. And it's probably the only drabble I have that counts exactly 100 words, if you include the title. So why not post it?))) I feel the need to interrupt the continuous flow of fanvids and SB-related stuff in general. It's nothing brilliant, but now that I see it as a complete work, I don't want it to stay in my computer forever.
Ugh, I'd actually love to give Merlin a go, writing-wise... but somebody, please, give me back my bloody Muse!
LOL, this A/N thingie is bigger than the actual fic...))

Title: “First”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: G
Summary: Magic sets Morgana apart.
A/N: It was originally set as a coda to Episode 2x03, "The Nightmare Begins", but considering the latest developments, I think it's more or less anytime.


She barely notices it when the castle becomes colder. But the change is there. Everything seems a little less familiar now. The halls she has known since childhood grow darker; the air gets thicker; the wind sweeps just a little bit angrier over the hollow floors, and everything seems so hostile, so not hers. In a way, it has never been hers. She knows herself now, knows what runs through her veins; yet everything here belongs to the man who would slit those very veins open if he knew.

Which only means one thing: she should get him first.

gen, ch: morgana, merlin, tv, fanfiction

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